Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/588

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1868 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. with fire prevention, sanitation and other matters affecting the mil- itary security or use of the Base. If the United States military author- ities consider that the precautionary measures taken are not adequate, they shall have the right, in consultation with the appropriate Colonial authorities, or, in cases where military reasons so require, on their own initiative, to supplement those measures to the extent considered necessary. (4) Where any buildings or other structures are erected or used for civil aviation purposes, either within an area designated under paragraph (2) of this Article or outside but contiguous to a Base, there shall be consultation between the appropriate Colonial author- ities and the United States military authorities and, if necessary, between the two Governments, with respect to the location, type, size and sanitation of such buildings, or other structures, in order to ensure that they do not endanger the safe operation of aircraft or the military use of the Base. ARTCLE IX Landing Fees The scale of landing fees to be charged for the use by civil aircraft of each Base shall be determined by the United States military author- ities after consultation with the appropriate Colonial authorities, or, if necessary, after consultation between the two Governments, and the revenue derived from such fees shall accrue to the United States: Provided that, whenever the Government of the United Kingdom or the Government of the Territory assumes responsibility for the maintenance of a Base for civil use, or for the provision or maintenance there of air navigational or meteorological facilities and services, or operational communication facilities, used by civil aircraft, the scale of landing fees and the method of collection thereof shall be determined by agreement between the appropriate United Kingdom or Colonial authorities and the United States military authorities and the revenue from such fees shall be divided between the United States of America and the Government of the United Kingdom or of the Territory, in proportions to be agreed, having special regard to the expenditure incurred by each for these purposes. ARTICIE X Suspension of United States responsibilities (1) If the Government of the United States of America elects to place any Base in a caretaker status and gives to the Government of the United Kingdom such notice as is reasonable in all the circumstances, of its intention so to do, (a) the Government of the United States of America may cease to maintain that Base in operational condition for civil use, and may relinquish the responsibility at that Base for any