Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/814

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WO INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Tengo la honra de manifestarles mi conformidad con lo que antecede. Aprovecho esta oportunidad para reiterarles las seguridades de mi distinguida consideraci6n. [SEAL] E DE NAVASQUES A Mr. HAROLD M. RANDALL, Jefe de la Delegacidnde los Estados Unidos de America; A M. FRANgOIs DE PANAFIEU, Jefe de la Delegacionde Francia;y A Mr. FRANCIS Mc. COMBE, Jefe de la Delegaci6n del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretana v Norte de Irlanda.- Translation President of the Spanish Delegation Letter No. 2 MADRID, May 10, 1948. SIR8: Ante, p.20 . I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated this day, the text of which, having been duly translated into Spanish, reads as follows: Ante, P. 20a. "In connection with the Accord signed today on the elimination of the economic potential situated in Spain, capable of constituting a danger to peace, and related subjects, the undersigned are authorized by their respective Governments to state that, so far as concerns the German areas within their control, they are agreeable to the earliest practicable resumption of communications of every kind and of trade between Spain and Germany, and the restoration of Spanish consular representation. They therefore agree that the necessary detailed ar- rangements be undertaken forthwith through normal channels. It is, of course, understood that these services and facilities will enjoy the same general treatment and be subject to the same regulations as apply in the cases of other countries." I have the honor to inform you of my agreement with the foregoing. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my distinguished consideration. [SEAL] E DE NAVASQUES Mr. IIAROL M. RANDALL, Chief of Delegationof the United States of America; Mr. FRANgOIS DE PANAFIETU, Chief of Delegation of France;and Mr. FRANCIS MCCOMBE, Chief of Delegationof the UnitedKingdom of GreatBritainand NorthernIreland.