Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/849

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62 STAT.] BRAZIL-MILITARY ADVISORY MISSION-JULY 29,1948 baggage, household effects and au- tomobile shall be as prescribed in Article 14. All compensation due the deceased member including salary for fifteen days subsequent to his death and reimbursements for expenses and transportation due the deceased member for travel performed on official busi- ness of the Government of the United States of Brazil shall be paid to the widow of the deceased member or to any person who may have been designated in writing by the deceased while serving under this Agreement; but such widow or other person shall not be compen- sated for accrued leave due and not taken by the deceased. All compensation due the widow, or other person designated by the de- ceased, under the provisions of this Article, shall be paid fifteen days subsequent to the death of the said member. TITLE V Requisites and Conditions ARTICLE 21. So long as this Agreement or any extension there- of is in effect, the Government of the United States of Brazil shall not utilize the services of any personnel of any other foreign government for duties of any nature connected with a school for senior officers of the Brazilian Army, Navy, and Air Force for combined operations except by mutual agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United States of Brazil. ARTICLE 22. Each member of the Mission shall agree not to divulge or in any way disclose to any foreign government or to any person whatsoever any secret or confidential matter of which he may become cognizant as a mem- ber of the Mission. This obliga- o que f6r devido ao extinto, inclusive a remuneragao pelos quinze (15) dias subsequentes a sua morte, e os reembolsos de despesas e de transporte devidos ao mesmo por viagens feitas em servico oficial do Governo dos Estados Unidos do Brasil, sera pago a viuva ou a qualquer outra pessoa que por ele tenha sido designada por escrito, durante a vigencia deste Contrato; por6m a viuva ou outra pessoa nada rece- bera pelas ferias acumuladas e nao gozadas pelo extinto. Todo o pagamento devido a viuva ou a outra pessoa designada pelo fale- cido, de ac6rdo com o estabelecido no presente Artigo, devera ser efetuado dentro de quinze (15) dias ap6s o falecimento do dito membro. TITULO V Requisitos e CondieSes ARTIGO 21. Durante a vigencia do presente Contrato ou de sua prorrogaqao, o Governo dos Es- tados Unidos do Brasil nao utilizarh os services de nenhum pessoal de qualquer outro governo estran- geiro para funqOes de qualquer natureza relacionadas com o Curso para Chefes do Exercito, Marinha e Aeronautica, sobre Opera6ces Combinadas, exceto por ac6rdo mutuo entre os Governos dos Estados Unidos da America e dos Estados Unidos do Brasil. ARTIGO 22. Nenhum membro da Missao revelara ou divulgara de maneira alguma a qualquer governo estrangeiro ou a quem quer que seja, qualquer assunto de natureza secreta ou confiden- cial, de que tenha adquirido co- nhecimento devido as suas funcOes Ante, p. 2128. Compensation due deceased member. Services of person- nel of other foreign governments, restric- tion. Secrecy require- ment. 2131