Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/892

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62 STAT.] BELGIUM-ECONOMIC COOPERATION-JULY 2, 1948 maintain valid rates of exchange and to reduce trade barriers; Considering that in furtherance of these principles the Govern- ment of Belgium has joined with other like-minded nations in a Convention for European Eco- nomic Cooperation signed at Paris on April 16, 1948, [1] under which the signatories of that Convention agreed to undertake as their im- mediate task the elaboration and execution of a joint recovery pro- gram, and that the Government of Belgium is a member of the Organization for European Eco- nomic Cooperation created pur- suant to the provisions of that Convention; Considering also that, in fur- therance of these principles, the Government of the United States of America has enacted the Eco- nomic Cooperation Act of 1948, providing for the furnishing of assistance by the United States of America to nations participating in a joint program for European recovery, in order to enable such nations through their own indi- vidual and concerted effort to be- come independent of extraordinary outside economic assistance; Taking note that the Govern- ment of Belgium has already ex- pressed its adherence to the pur- poses and policies of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948; Desiring to set forth the under- standings which govern the fur- nishing of assistance by the Gov- ernment of the United States of America under the Economic Co- pris toutes les mesures praticables pour 6tablir ou maintenir des taux de change appropri6s et pour r6duire les obstacles aux 6changes; Considerant que pour la mise en application de ces principes, le Gouvernement de Belgique s'est associ6 aux autres pays animes du meme esprit par une Conven- tion de Cooperation Economique Europ6enne signee a Paris le 16 avril 1948 et aux termes de la- quelle les signataires de cette Con- vention sont convenus de con- sid6rer comme la tache immediate qui leur incombe d'6laborer et d'executer un programme com- mun de relevement et que le Gouvernement de Belgique est membre de l'Organisation Euro- peenne de Cooperation Economi- que creee conformement a ladite Convention; Considerant 6galement que, mettant en ceuvre ces principes, le Gouvernement des Etats- Unis d'Amerique a promulgue la Loi de Cooperation Economique de 1948, qui prevoit l'octroi de l'aide par res Etats-Unis d'Ame- rique aux pays participant A un programme commun de releve- ment europeen afin de permettre A ces pays de devenir, par leur effort individuel et concerte, in- dependants de toute aide 6conomi- que exterieure de caractere ex- ceptionnel; Prenant note du fait que le Gouvernement de Belgique a dejA declare qu'il adherait aux fins et aux principes de la Loi de Coope- ration Economique de 1948; Desireux de convenir des dis- positions qui reglent l'octroi de l'aide par le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amerique aux termes de la Loi de Cooperation Economi- 1 Department of State publication 3145. 2175 62 Stat., Pt. 1, p. 137.