Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1180

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62 STAT.] UNITED KINGDOM-RELIEF SUPPLIES AND PACKAGES-DEC. 1, 1948 3801 note and your reply to that effect shall constitute an Agreement on the above terms between the two Governments. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of our highest consideration. J. C. HOLMES THOMAS K. FINLETTER The Right Honorable ERNEST BEVIN, M. P ., Secretary of State for Foreign Aflairs, Foreign Office, S.W . 1. The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to the American Ambassador and the Minister of the Economic Cooperation Administration FOREIGN OFFICE, S. W. 1. 1st December, 1948. GENTLEMEN, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Note of the 1st December, 1948, the text of which is as follows:- Ante, p.m . "We have the honour to propose that for the purpose of giving effect to Article VI, paragraph 2, read with Article IV, paragraph 5, of the Economic Co-operation Agreement between the Govern- ments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire- land and the United States of America, signed on 6th July, 1948, pp 6 . 22,2tS. Pta (hereinafter referred to as the Economic Co-operation Agreement) an agreement shall be made between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States in the following terms:- Paragraph1. The Government of the United Kingdom shall accord duty-free treatment on entry into the United Kingdom of: (a) Supplies of relief goods or standard packs donated to or pur- chased by United States voluntary non-profit relief agencies qualified under Economic Co-operation Administration (here- inafter referred to as ECA) regulations and consigned to charitable organisations including United Kingdom branches of these agencies which have been or hereafter shall be ap- proved by the Government of the United Kingdom. (b) Relief packages originating in the United States and sent by parcel post or commercial channels addressed to an individual residing in the United Kingdom whether packed privately or by order placed with a commercial firm. (c) Standard packs put up by United States voluntary non-profit relief agencies or their approved agents, qualified under ECA regulations, to the order of individuals in the United States and sent for delivery addressed to individuals residing in the United Kingdom.