Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1387

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Agreement between the United States of America and Guatemalarespecting a cooperative educational program in Guatemala, confirming and accepting the agreement of August 12, 1944, as amended. Effected by exchange of notes signed at GuatemalaOctober 23, 1945, and May 6, 1947; entered into force May 6, 1947, operative retroactively from August 12, 1944. The American Ambassador to the Guatemalan Minister of Foreign Relations EMBASSY Guatemala, October 23, 1945. No. 396 59 Stat. 1272. Post,p. 4011 . Special organism; contributions. EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to Note No. 11959, of September 16, 1944, of Your Excellency's Ministry, and to previous and subse- quent correspondence relating to the Cooperative Educational Pro- gram which is being undertaken jointly by the Government of Gua- temala and the Government of the United States under terms of an agreement signed on August 12, 1944 by the then Minister of Public Education of Your Excellency's Government and the Vice President of the Inter-American Educational Foundation, Inc., a corporation of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs and an agency of the Government of the United States of America. The original agreement of August 12, 1944 was drawn in quite general terms. A survey of the schools made since the Agreement was signed, and the scope of the plans which the Ministry of Public Education has made for their improvement, have indicated the de- sirability of amplifying the terms of the original agreement. I under- stand that the Ministry of Public Education of Your Excellency's Government and qualified experts of the Foundation have now agreed informally to a continuation and amplification of the Co- operative Educational Program, and of the terms of the original agreement. In this respect, it is my understanding that the Government of Guatemala is prepared to create as an integral part of its Ministry of Education, a special organism with juridical personality to be known as the Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Educacion, which shall act as the intermediary between the two governments in carrying out the Cooperative Program, and of which the Special Representative of the Foundation shall be appointed Director. It is my further understanding that the Government of Guatemala is prepared, to contribute Fifty Thousand Quetzales (Q50,000) in cash, over a period of three years, to a bank account to be established in the name of the Servicio for carrying out local projects and to set up, also in the name of the Servicio, a special account of One Hundred Thousand Quetzales (Q100,000) to be used, over the same period of 4008 October 23, 1945, and May 6, 1947 [T. I. A. S. 2073]