Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1509

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Reitero a Vuestra Excelencia las seguridades de mi alta con- sideraci6n. Por el Ministro J CARRERE S Justino Carrere Sapriza Subsecretario Al Excelentisimo Sefior ELtIs O. BRIGGS, EmbajadorExtraordinarioy Plenipotenciariode l08 Estados Unidos de America. - Translation MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS D.I.I.C.C. o10/943-718.- MONTEVIDEO, July 20, 1948. - MR. AMBASSADOR: Ae, p. 4128. Referring to Your Excellency's Note No. 88, dated June 25, last, relating to the extension of the Agreement on the Cooperative Health and Sanitation Program in Uruguay, I have the honor to notify Your Excellency that the Ministry of Public Health has informed this Department of State, in accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of April 21, last, of its approval of the said extension to June 30, 1949, and the appropriate measures will be adopted to that effect. I renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my high consideration. For the Minister J CARRERE S Justino Carrere Sapriza Under Secretary His Excellency ELuS O. BRIGGS, AmbassadorExtraordinaryand Plenipotentiary of the United States of America.- 4130