Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1516

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General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade- Continued Protocol modifying part II and article XXVI-Continued Economic development and recon- struction, governmental assist- ance to----------------------- Internal taxation and regulation, na- tional treatment on---------- Rectifications, second protocol of _____ Supplementation, agreement with Bra- zil------- . - -

Geological Survey, Department of the In- terior, cooperation with Brazil in mineral resources survey program--- Germany: Reparations- Apportionment of shares between In- dia and Pakistan, multilateral-- Gold transferred to Bank for Inter- national Settlements, delivery to U. S., U. K., and France, multi- lateral --------------------- Western Zones, agreements respecting- Coal exports from, agreement with France---------------------- Economic fusion, U. S./U. K . Zones of Occupation------------------- Ferrous scrap exports, allocation of, decisions by United States and United Kingdom Military Gov- ernors--------------------- Relief supplies and packages, agree- ment with U. S./U. K. Zones of Occupation------------------ Trade, most-favored-nation treat- ment, agreements with- Austria------------------------ Belgium------. .- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - China ------------------------- Denmark --------------------- France------------------------ French Zone of Occupation, recipro- cal application--------------- Page 3684 3680 3671 2799 3636 2613 2672 4064 3645 3598 3860 2876 2880 2982 2883 2887 2891 Greece------ Gold, Monetary, Restitution: Page Bank for International Settlements, gold transferred by Germany, de- livery to U. S., U. K., and France_ 2672 India and Pakistan, apportionment of shares between, multilateral------ 2613 Spain, implementation of Gold Declara- tion of 1944 -----------.---- -- 4071 Great Britain. See United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Greece: International Labor Organization, con- stitution, instrument of amend- ment, 1946--------------------- 3485 Postal Union, Universal-------------- 3157 Reparations from Germany, apportion- ment of shares between India and Pakistan--------------------- 2613 Trade, application of most-favored-na- tion treatment to occupied areas - 2899 World Health Organization, constitu- tion .------------------------ 2679 Guatemala: Educational program, cooperative_ 4008, 4032 Inter-American Highway, improvement of --------------------------- 3923 International Labor Organization, con- stitution, instrument of amend- ment, 1946-------------------- 3485 International Refugee Organization, con- stitution--------------------- 3037 Postal Union, Universal ------------- 3157 World Health Organization, constitu- tion -------------------------- 2679 H Iceland --------------------- 2903 Ireland - --- ------ ------ --- - 2910 Italy------------------------ 2913 Korea ----------------------- 3792 Luxembourg ------------------- 2917 Multilateral --------------------- 3653 Netherlands --------------------- 2921 Norway------------------------ 2924 Portugal--------------------- 2845 Sweden

----------- -----

2930 Turkey ---------------------- 2934 United Kingdom --------------- 2941 United States/United Kingdom Zones of Occupation, reciprocal application----- ---------- 2895 Haiti: Food production program, cooperative. - Agreement, memorandum of, Aug. 28, 1944------------------------ Amendment, Oct. 16, 1945------ Extension agreement, June 25, 1945 - Second extension agreement, Dec. 27, 1946------------------------ Supplemental agreement, Jan. 8, 1948---------------------- Health and sanitation program, cooper- ative ------------------------- Postal Union, Universal-------------- World Health Organization, constitu- tion-------------------------- Headquarters of United Nations, loan for construction and furnishing of ----- Health and Sanitation: Cooperative programs- Bolivia- --------------------- Brazil-------------------------- Colombia------------------------ Ecuador----------------------- 3950, 4029 3953 3964 3961 3965 3973 2649 3157 2679 3725 3920 3831 3880 3927 INDEX CCIX
