Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/843

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. By-laws, etc. piration du mandat ou d'une autre raison. Les administrateurs ne seront pas retribues, mais la Fondation est autoris6e a rembourser les d6- penses occasionn6es aux adminis- trateurs par leur presence aux re- unions du Conseil. Article 6. Le Conseil prescrira tels r6gle- ments et nommera telles commis- sions qui pourraient 6tre juges necessaires pour l'administration de la Fondation. Article 7. Les rapports sur l'activit6 de la Fondation prescrits par le Secre- taire d'Etat des Etats-Unis d'A- merique seront adress6s chaque annee au Secr6taire d'Etat des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et aux Gouvernements belge et luxem- bourgeois. Article 8. Le bureau principal de la Fonda- tion sera etabli a Bruxelles, mais les reunions du Conseil et de ses Commissions pourront avoir lieu en d'autres villes que designera le Conseil, et l'activite de l'un ou de l'autre agent ou employe de la Fondation pourra, avec le con- sentement du Conseil, Wtre exerc6e en n'importe quelle localit6. Article 9. Le Conseil pourra nommer un agent d'execution et fixer ses appointements et la dur6e de son mandat, sous reserve, toutefois, que si le Conseil se trouve dans I'impossibilit6 de designer un titu- laire ayant l'agrement du Presi- dent, le Gouvernement des Etats- Unis d'Amerique pourra nommer un agent d'ex6cution et des ad- joints en nombre n6cessaire pour with this procedure. The Directors shall serve'with- out compensation, but the Foun- dation is authorized to pay the nec- essary expenses of the Directors in attending meetings of the Board. Article 6. The Board shall adopt such by- laws and appoint such committees as it shall deem necessary for the conduct of the affairs of the Foundation. Article 7. Reports as directed by the Sec- retary of State of the United States of America shall be made annually on the activities of the Foundation to the Secretary of State of the United States of America and the Governments of Belgium and Lux- embourg. Article 8. The principal office of the Foun- dation shall be in Brussels, but meetings of the Board and any of its committees may be held in such other places as the Board may from time to time determine, and the activities of any of the Foun- dation's officers or staff may be carried on at such places as may be approved by the Board. Article 9. The Board may appoint an Execative Officer and determine his salary and term of service, provided however, that in the event it is found to be imprac- ticable for the Board to secure an appointee acceptable to the Chair- man, the Governement of the United States of America may provide an Executive Officer and such assistants as may be deemed Reports. Principal office, etc. Executive Officer. 3458