Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1335

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Agriculture, Department of-Continued Page General Accounting Office, transfer of funds to----------------------- 342 General provisions, Appropriation Act- 348 Hog cholera virus and serum, marketing agreements, appropriation for--- 256, 332 Homemakers' food and nutrition hand- book, appropriation for; distribu- tion ----------- _


327 Homestead entries, loans for, authority- 883 Horseshoe Organization Camp, W. Va., limit of cost for building at-------- 338 Housing. See Farm housing under Housing. Human Nutrition and Home Eco- nomics, Bureau of, appropriation for------------------- ----- 256, 336 Information, Office of, funds for- _ 82, 256,326 Information employees, restriction on use of funds for payment of_ -- -- - 342 Insect and plant-disease control-- Appropriation for-.- 82, 256, 334, 335, 578 Extension of provisions of Depart- ment of Agriculture Organic Act of 1944---------------------. - 00 Insulation products, subsidy, etc., to manufacturers or dealers, funds for- 343 International Wheat Agreement Act of 1949------------------------ 945 Iosco County, Mich., exchange of lands- 925 Iron Mountain, S. Dak., plaque com- memorative of services of Peter Norbeck, authority------- ----- 709 Land-use planning, restriction on use of funds for----------------------- 328 Land utilization and retirement of sub- marginal land, appropriation for-- 341 Lands, options to purchase----------- 326 Leave payments, lump-sum, nonappli- cability of limitation on amounts for personal services ------------- 349 Library, appropriation for---------- 266, 327 Mandan, N. Dak., appropriation for remodeling structures at U. S . Northern Great Plains Field Sta- tion--------------------------- 333 Marketing quotas. See Agricultural Act of 1949; Agricultural Adjust- ment Act of 1938. Marketing services, appropriation for_ 257, 343 Meat inspection, appropriation for-_ 256, 332 Minnesota, exchange of lands--------- 702 Mississippi State College, conveyance to, authority-------------------- 410 Missouri Basin project, Angostura unit, completion of land development and settlement, authorized------- 725 Motion pictures or exhibits, funds avail- -1h fat ax327 aw uirsi--------------------------------- A Agriculture, Department of-Continued Page National School Lunch Act- Appropriation to effect provisions of. 343 Authority of Secretary under ------ 1054 Overthrow of U. S. Government, restric- tion on employment of persons ad- vocating--------------_ ---- -- 348, 444 Exception, certain emergency work - 349 Pay costs, increased, appropriation for- 256 Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, Bureau of, appropri- ation for ------- .-- ----. - 239,256,333 Plant quarantine. See Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of, this title. Political activities, pernicious, restrio- tion on payment of persons engag- ing in-------------------------- 342 Price support, agricultural commodities. See Agricultural Act of 1949. Printing and binding, funds available - 349 Production and Marketing Adminis- tration- Administrator, increase in basic com- pensation-------------------- 881 Appropriation for ----------- 82, 257, 341 Production credit corporations- Appropriation for ------------- 257, 347 Classification Act of 1949, nonappli- cability---------------------- 956 Compensation rate, maximum, direc- tor, officer, or employee -------- 972 Regional Agricultural Credit Corpo- ration of Washington, D. C., aboli- tion, transfer of functions to Secre- tary--------------------------- 43 Regional offices, maintenance, restric- tion on use of funds for ---------- 328 Remount Service, appropriation for liquidation--------------------- 331 Report, annual- 1948 Yearbook, appropriation for reprinting -------------------- 327 Restriction on use of Government Printing Office funds for printing and binding ----------------- 229 Report to President, farm housing, needs and recommendations ------ 436 Reports to Congress- Agricultural research, administration of grants and coordination of research with States----------- 331 Farm housing, needs and recom- mendations------------------- 436 Research and Marketing Act of 1946, appropriation for effecting provi- sions----------------------- 325 Research laboratories, regional, appro- nriation for-------------------- 336 INDEX V AiUl JvA-----. - --- --- --- --- --

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