Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1355

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INDEX Bevilacqua, Anna, deportation suspension- Bianchi, Luigi, deportation suspension- -- Big Bend National Park, Tex., addition of lands--- --- _-- --- -_ _____....... Big Delta, Alaska, construction author- ized -----. --- --- ---- --- --- --- - ___ Bighead, Paul, sale of trust allotment; distribution of proceeds -_ _ _ __ .. .. - Bileca, Fanica, deportation suspension _ . Bin, Anita, deportation suspension------ Binicos, Ioannis Simeon (John Sam Binicos), deportation suspension--- . Page 1223 1247 679 935 1145 1219 1234 1227 Birds: Appropriation for- Bald eagle, protection of----------- 796 Migratory Bird Treaty Act, enforce- ment---------------------- 796, 797 Migratory birds, protection of--- 259,796 Reservations, maintenance of ---- 243, 797 Hunting stamps, increase in fees; ad- ministration of per centum of cer- tain areas as wildlife management areas------------------------- 599 Importation; permits; specimens for museums, amendment of Criminal Code provisions respecting-------- 89 Regulations relating to migratory birds, amendment, proclamation---- 1280, 1292 Birdsview Fish Cultural Station, Wash., exchange of Lake Crescent Hatchery for, authorized ------------------- 159 Birmingham, W. A., relief from liability__ 1100 Bishop, Charles L., cancellation of claims against; payment to--------------- 1080 Bishop, L. W., jurisdiction of Court to hear claim --------------------------- 1144 Bitter Root Project, Mont., approval of contract with, execution authority. -- 63 Black, Cristeta Bracamonte, deportation suspension----------------------- 1230 Black Bass Act, appropriation for enforce- ment-------------------------- 796 "Black Mallard", transfer to State of Louisiana---------------------- 610 Blackburn, Delmere B. (Pfc), acceptance of gift from foreign government, authorized ---------------------- 1077 Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Mont., ap- propriation for irrigation projects--- 773 Blackfeet Indians, Mont., appropriation for industrial assistance------------ 776 Blackhair, Sidney, issuance of patent in fee to-------------------------- 1180 Blackstone, Harry Hyman, deportation suspension----------------------- 1222 Blake. Clara. deportation suspension--- 1227 Page Blake, Eulalie Constancia (Eulalie Con- stancia Turnbull), deportation sus- pension-_____----__---------_____ 1247 Blake, Helena Ketruda (Helena Ketruda Powell), deportation suspension------ 1247 Blanchard, Frank E., payment to-------- 1149 Blanco, Refugio, deportation suspension- _ 1233 Blankenberg, Frederick Moritz Anst (Frederick Moritz Ernest Blanken- berg or Frederick Morris Ernest Blankenberg or Fred Blackwell or Fred Blankenberg), deportation sus- pension --------------- _--------_ 1240 Blind: Books for adult, appropriation for- _- 227, 253 Braille writers, transportation, postal rate-------------------------. 690 Grants to States for aid to. See Social Security Administration. Vending stands, acquisition of, appro- priation for--------------- _ _ - - 287 Blind, American Printing House for the, appropriation for--------- _ --- -- 284 Blohme, Christian, deportation suspension_ 1222 Blom, Jan Leendert, deportation suspen- sion-----------------

1234 Bloom, Sol, appropriation for payment to daughter of----- ----------------- 77 Blue Grass Ordnance Depot, Richmond, Ky., improvements in cemetery plots, appropriation authorized----------- 904 Blue Ridge Parkway: Appropriation for; contract authoriza- tion-------------------------- 794 Exchange of lands for acquisition of suitable right-of-way property- - - 726 Bober, Maria Theresia Gerber, deporta- tion suspension . .--- ---- ---- .--. . 1247 Boellaard, Helena, deportation suspen- sion----------------.- ---- --- --- 1240 Boffh, Luciano, deportation suspension -- 1234 Bogdanovic, Savo (Nichols Pechar), deportation suspension------------- 1230 Bogikes, Maria, deportation suspension-_ 1242 Bohn, Cecilia Sophia (Cecelia Sophia Syre), deportation suspension ------ 1227 Boise Project, Idaho, appropriation for-- 86, 258, 780 Boldin, Anthony (Baldin or Antonio Vit- torio Isidoro Baldini or Antonio Nino Baldini or Nino or Nine Baldini), deportation suspension------------- 1245 Bolivar, Simon, erection of statue in Dis- trict of Columbia, authorized ------- 406 Bond, Austin, deportation suspension --- 1240 Bonds, Securities, Etc.: Alaska Housing Authority, powers---- 59