Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1438

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CVIII Judiciary and Judicial Procedure, Amend- ments-Continued Claims against United States; time for action; jurisdiction of Courts; settlement by agency head..... _ __ Georgia, creation of Swainsboro Division in southern district ---- ___ ___ __- Judges, circuit and district, additional, provision for appointment, etc --- Jurors, fees, expenses, and costs----- Repeals --------------- _____--_- Amendments to schedule of; effective date

___ --- -- Technical amendments ----------- 99- Witnesses- Government employees, travel ex- penses and per diem allowance__ Per diem, mileage, and subsistence, witnesses in U. S . courts and before U. S . commissioners, in- crease ---------- ___________- Judiciary Appropriation Act ------- _-- Juneau, Alaska, construction authorized_ Juneau, Paul C., payment to --------- Jurgensen, Grace, payment to ------ _ Juristo, Julius (Julian Juristo Zabala), deportation suspension-----------__ 1 Jurors. See under United States Courts. Justice, D. D., jurisdiction of Court to hear claim-------------------- _ __ 1 Justice, D. V., jurisdiction of Court to hear claim -_ --- ---- --- ---- --- --- 1 Justice, Department of. See also United States Courts. Administrative Division, funds for ___ 457, Alien enemies, claims based on loss or damage of property deposited by, payment authorized - ....- _- - Appropriation authorized...- ..... Appropriation for ------- ...------ Alien Property, Office of, appropriation for ------------------- .- -- - 260, Antitrust Division, appropriation for_ 260, Appropriation Act --------- .- - -- - .. - Appropriation for________ -24 4, 260, 745, ! Assistant Attorney Generals, increase in basic compensation ---- _----_ Assistant Solicitor General- Appropriation for Office of -- _____ Increase in basic compensation-- __ _- Assistant to Attorney General- Appropriation for Office of - __ - -- -_ Increase in basic compensation----_ - Attorney General- Appropriation for Office of ---- 260, Federal Prison Industries, member- ship on board of directors - .- -- Freedom Train Commission, member- ship on----------------- Pal C Justice, Department of-Continued INDEX - Attorney General-Continued National Trust for Historic Preserva- tion in the United States, mem- bership on Board of Trustees-_- 928 Attorneys, license requirement ------- _ 462 Claims- Funds for--_______------- . 458, 462, 981 Payment from appropriation cur- rently available ---. ------- __ _ 746 Claims Division, appropriation for_____ 244 Contingent expenses, appropriation for 457 Criminal Division, appropriation for___ 244 Customs Division, appropriation for___ 260 District attorneys, appropriation for salaries and expenses -------- _ 260, 458 District of Columbia- Division of expenditures for certain offices ---------------------- 462 Reimbursement to United States, appropriation for -- .____------ 311 Federal Bureau of Investigation- Appropriation for ______ - -- -- -. 260, 459 Associate Director, increase in basic compensation ---------------- 881 Civil Service Commission, allocations from, for investigations of appli- cants for certain positions ------ 635 Civil-service employees, prohibition on use of funds for payment of__ 459 Director, salary-------_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 459, 880 Federal Prison Industries, Inc. See separate title. Federal Prison System- Appropriation for ---------- 244, 260, 460 Deposit of collections for certain items --------------.. .-- --- -- 461 Public Health Service, transfer of funds to, authority ---------. . . 461 Field, miscellaneous salaries and ex- penses, appropriation for. _ 244, 260, 458 General provisions, Appropriation Act - 462 Immigrants, admission for permanent residence. See separate title. Immigration and Naturalization Serv- ice- Appropriation for ---------- 260, 459, 746 Claims for extra pay, Sunday and holiday services, appropriation for payment -----.. _ _ . _ ---- ---7 46 Commissioner, increase in basic com- pensation -------------------- 881 Interpreters, employment of aliens. __ 460 Immigration Appeals, Board of, appro- priation for------------___

457 Japanese ancestry, claims of certain persons of, appropriation for pay- ment ---------. .. .-- --- ---- --- 458 Judicial offices, appropriation for ex- amination of----------- .--- --- - 4 Page