Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/153

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63 STAT.] PANAMA-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-MAR . 31, 1949 Parties relative to the interpreta- tion or application of this Agree- ment or its Annex, which cannot be settled through consultation, shall be submitted for an advisory report to a tribunal of three arbi- trators, one to be named by each Contracting Party, and the third to be agreed upon by the two arbitrators so chosen, provided that such third arbitrator shall not be a national of either Contracting Party Each of the Contracting Parties shad designate an arbi- trator within two months of the date of delivery by either party to the other party of a diplomatic note requesting arbitration of a dispute; and the third arbitrator shall be agreed upon within one month after such period of two months. If the third arbitrator is not agreed upon, within the time limitation indicated, the vacancy thereby created shall be filled by the appointment of a person, designated by the President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization, from a panel of arbitral personnel main- tained in accordance with the practice of the International Civil Aviation Organization. The ex- ecutive authorities of the Con- tracting Parties will use their best efforts under the powers available to them to put into effect the opinion expressed in any such ad- visory report. A moiety of the expenses of the arbitral tribunal shall be borne by each party. ARTICLE XIII Changes made by either Con- tracting Party in the routes de- scribed in the schedules attached, except those which change the points served by these airlines in areas with respect to which the other Contracting Party has juris- Contratantes relativa a la inter- pretaci6n o aplicaci6n de este Convenio o de su Anexo, que no pueda arreglarse por medio de con- sultas, sera sometido, para un informe consultivo, a un tribunal de tres arbitros, uno nombrado por cada Parte Contratante y el ter- cero por los dos arbitros asi escogidos, con la condici6n de que este tercer irbitro no sea nacional de ninguna de las Partes Con- tratantes. Cada una de las Partes Contratantes designarf un arbitro dentro de los dos meses siguientes a la presentaci6n por una Parte a la otra de una nota diplomftica en la cual se solicite el arbitraje de la disputa; y el tercer &rbitro sera escogido en el t6rmino de un mes despues de dicho perfodo de dos meses. Si no se llegare a un acuerdo sobre el tercer Arbitro dentro del t6rmino indicado; li vacante asf creada ser& llenada mediante designaci6n de una per- sona escogida por el Presidente del Consejo de la Organizaci6n de Aviaci6n Civil Internacional, de la n6mina de arbitros que se man- tiene de acuerdo con la practica de la Organizaci6n de Aviaci6n Civil International. Las autori- dades ejecutivas de las Partes Con- tratantes procuraran, dentro de las facultades de que disponen, hacer efectiva la opini6n expresada en tal informe consultivo. Cada Parte pagar& la mitad de los gastos del tribunal. ARTICULO XIII Las modificaciones que haga cualquiera de las Partes Contra- tantes en las rutas descritas en los itinerarios anexos, excepto aquellas que cambien los puntos servidos por estas lineas a6reas en las ireas sobre las cuales la otra Tribunal of arbi- trators. Designation. Expenses. Changes in sohed- uled routes. 2457