Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/576

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2882 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. [Enclosure] MINISTRY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS AND WORSHIP Ministry of Public Education LIMA, September 1, 1949. Mr. LLE B. PMmER, Director, Servcio Cooperativo Pe'nano-Norteamericanode Educacion. Communication No. 1226. I take pleasure in replying to your courteous note No. P-4305 of August 26, in which you inform me that, pursuant to information which you have received from the Institute of Inter-American Affairs, it will be impossible to increase the allocation of funds for the coopera- tive projects indicated in the draft Extension Agreement which you submitted to my consideration last July. I keenly regret that, because of the fact which you explain, the funds for the Cooperative Programs in Latin America have already been distributed, it will not be possible to increase for the present the sum of $50,000 (U. S. cy.) fixed by the Institute of Inter-American Affairs for our Cooperative Program during the period from July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950. I entertain the well-grounded hope that in the knowledge of our educational realities and of the need duly to in- tensify the impulses that we are going to initiate in our Cooperative Program, a greater sum will be considered for the long-term Program which would start on July 1, 1950 and which is now under study. In accordance with present possibilities and confirming the conver- sations that we have had on the subject, my Ministry is agreeable to the extension Agreement which you have submitted to me, under which the Institute of Inter-American Affairs will contribute the sum of $50,000.00 (U. S. cy.) and the Government of Peru the sum of S/.1'956,836.35, for the period from July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950, for the continuation of the Program, in addition to the amount of $129,- 000.00 (U. S . cy.) which the Institute will contribute for personnel expenses, and to the funds which, as in previous years, the Govern- ment of Peru will make available as indirect contributions. On informing you of the Peruvian Government's decision to con- tinue the Cooperative Program which happily links our two coun- tries in the broad educational field, I take pleasure in renewing to you the assurances of my most distinguished consideration. God keep you. Sgd. Colonel JUrA MENDOZA R. Minister of Publio Eduction.