Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/697

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PUBLIC LAW 231—OCT. 30, 1951


Public Law 231


Granting the consent of Congress to a compact entered into by the States of Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming relating to the waters of the Yellowstone River.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent of the Congress is hereby given to an interstate compact relating to the waters of the Yellowstone River which was signed (after negotiations in which a representative of the United States duly appointed by the President participated) by the Commissioners for the States of Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming on December 8, 1950, at Billings, Montana, and which was thereafter ratified by the legislatures of each of the States aforesaid as provided by Public Law 83, Eighty-first Congress, approved June 2, 1949, which compact reads as follows:

October 30, 1961 [S. 1311]

Yellowstone River compact. C o n s e n t of C o n grefss.

63 Stat. 162.

Y E L L O W S TO N E R IV E R COMPACT The State of Montana, the State of North Dakota, and the State of Wyoming, being moved by consideration of interstate comity, and desiring to remove all causes of present and future controversy between said States and between persons in one and persons in another with respect to the waters of the Yellowstone River and its tributaries, other than waters within or waters which contribute to the flow of streams within the Yellowstone National Park, and desiring to provide for an equitable division and apportionment of such waters, and to encourage the beneficial development and use thereof, acknowledging that in future projects or programs for the regulation, control and use of water in the Yellowstone River Basin the great importance of water for irrigation in the signatory States shall be recognized, have resolved to conclude a Compact as authorized under the Act of Congress of the United States of America, approved June 2, 1949 (Public Law 83, 81st Congress, First Session), for the attainment of these purposes, and to that end, through their respective governments, have named as their respective Commissioners: For the State of Montana: Fred E. Buck A. W. Bradshaw H. W. Bunston John Hersog John M. Jarussi Ashton Jones Chris. Josephson A. Wallace Kingsbury P. F. Leonard Walter M. McLaughlin Dave M. Manning Joseph Muggli Chester E. Onstad E d F. Parriott R. R. Renne Keith W. Trout For the State of North Dakota: I. A. Acker Einar H. Dahl J.J.Walsh For the State of Wyoming: L. C. Bishop

63 Stat. 152. Commissioners.