Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/1244

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Commerce, Department of—Continued Pay costs, increased, appropriation for.

Page 116, 124, 313 Personal services, restriction on funds available for 573 Personnel, restriction on filling vacancies 572 Philippines, extension of charters of vessels, authoritj' 65 Public Roads, Bureau of— Access roads, appropriation for 565 Appropriation for 103, 564 Commissioner, membership on National Capital Planning Commission 782 Convict labor, restriction on payments to States employing 565 District of Columbia, approval of contracts for Federal-aid projects .. 384 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1952... 158 Federal-aid highways, appropriation for 103, 565 Forest highways, appropriation for.. 565 General provisions, Appropriation Act 565 Inter-American Highway, appropriation for 565 Medical supplies and services, use of appropriations in emergency 566 Oregon and California Railroad lands, appropriation for road construction 447 Pan-American Highway, Convention on the, appropriation for fulfilling U. S. obligations 565 President's Highway Safety Conference, assistance to 161 Reimbursement by other agencies for services, etc 565, 566 Publicity and propaganda, restriction on use of funds for 572 Reports to Congress, Patent Office 794 Reports to President, annual immigration quota 175 Richmond, Calif., conveyance and easements of certain lands for public highway purposes 730 Secretary, Office of, appropriation for.. 116, 124, 560, 656 Solicitor, designation as General Counsel 758 Strikes against U. S. Government, restriction on employment of persons engaging in 571 Superintendent, abolition of position 710 Technical and scientific services, appropriation for 116, 124, 560

Commerce, Department of—Continued Page Termination of employment in interests of United States, authority of Secretary 567 Transportation of things, restriction on funds available for 573 Travel, restriction on funds available for 573 Vessels, transfer authorized 537 Weather Bureau— Appropriation for 117, 566 Arctic region, conducting meteorological investigations in, maximum compensation for 567 Meteorological observations, taking and transmitting, maximum compensation for 566 Quarters for employees, construction and furnishing at certain localities 562 Commissary Stores. See under Defense, Department of. Commission on Renovation of Executive Mansion, appropriation for... 107, 644 Commissioners, United States Courts: Alaska, comp>ensation increase 592 Appropriation for fees 310, 569 Commodity Credit Corporation: Appropriation for 116, 124, 353, 354 Indebtedness to Treasury, discharge. 354, 355 International Wheat Agreement, appropriation to discharge indebtedness under 355 Restoration of capital impairment, appropriation for 354 Commodity Exchange Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 349 Commodity Exchange Authority, appropriation for 116, 124, 349 Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, appointment of Senate and House delegates, etc B64 Communicable Diseases,, appropriation for prevention and suppression 114, 365, 641 Communications Act Amendments, 1952.. 711 Action upon application, form of and conditions attached to licenses 715 Candidates for public office, facilities. _ 717 Commissioners, restrictions 711 Definitions 711 Effective date 722 Emergencies, construction permits and station licenses 714 Employees, appointment, etc 711 Expenditures 711 Fraud by wire, radio or television 722 Joint boards, powers and duties 722 Modification of permits and licenses by Commission 718