Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/1269

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Page Hospitals—Continued Page House of Representatives—Continued Committee employees, appropriation Indians, hospital and medical services; for 468 availability to non-Indian populaCommittees. See also individual comtion 35 mittees, this title. Madigan Army Hospital, Wash., conJoint committees, Congressional. See struction of facilities a u t h o r i z e d — 608 separate title. Philippines, transfer of equipment and Official reporters to, appropriation grants-in-aid 52 for 468 Public Health Service. See separate Special and select, appropriation for- 25,102 title. Contingent expenses, appropriation for_ 102, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D. C, construction of 112,469,639 Restriction 470 facilities authorized 608 Death gratuity payments, consideration Houma Gunnery Range, La., acquisition as gift 101 of land, construction of facilities Debates, official reports of, appropriaauthorized 616 tion for 468 House of Mercy, appropriation for conDistrict of Columbia, Committee on, t r a c t u a l services 381 chairman as member of National House of Representatives. See also Capital Planning Commission 782 Congress; Legislative Branch of the Doorkeeper, Office of, appropriation Government. Appropriation for 25, 101, 112, 467, 639 for 101,468 Employees affected by death or resignappropriations Committee — tion of Member, service for retireAppropriation for 101, 468, 639 m e n t benefits 662 Budget Bureau Circular A-45, a p Foreign Affairs, Committee on, reports proval requirement for amend by President on special use of muments 661 t u a l security funds 146 Reports to— Greenwood, Ernest, appropriation for Alien Property, Office of, expenses contested election expenses 102 incurred in connection with Huber, Walter B., appropriation for conactivities 559 tested election expenses 102 Army, Navy, and Air Force, DeInformation, Office of Coordinator of,

part m e n t s of the, proceeds appropriation for 112, 469 from sale of scrap or salvage Joint Recording Facility, appropriation materials 535 for additional laboratory techniDefense, Department of, disbursecian 468 ' m e n t of appropriation for contingencies , 519 Macy, W. Kingsland, appropriation for contested election expenses 102 A r m e d Services, Committee on— Murray, Reid F., appropriation for p a y Military public works, agreement on m e n t to widow of 101 costs 625 Office space in district of each RepreReports to — sentative, provision for 470 Defense, Department of, policies Officers and employees, appropriation for recall to d u t y of Ready Reserve members 490 for salaries 101, 112,467 Osser, Maurice S., appropriation for conDefense Cataloging and Standard tested election expenses 102 ization Act, progress report s - . 320 Ayres, William H., appropriation for Pages, education of, advance to District contested election expenses 102 of Columbia 112, 471 Byrne, William T., appropriation for P a y costs, increased, appropriation for. 112 payment to sisters of 101 Postmaster, appropriation for office of-468 Restaurants, appropriation for 639 C a n n o n ' s Procedure in the House of Representatives, printing and bindSalaries, mileage, and expenses, approing for House use authorized; copypriation for467 ' right provision 441 Schwabe, George B., appropriation for Chaplain, appropriation for 468 payment to widow of 101 Clerk, appropriation for Office of 468 Scott, Hardie, appropriation for conClerk hire, appropriation for 112, 469 tested election expenses 102