Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/1045

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SUBJECT Narcotics—Continued Page T r u s t Territory of the Pacific Islands, applicability of Internal Revenue Code provisions 500 Narcotics, Bureau of, appropriation for___ 68 Narcotics Users, District of Columbia, t r e a t m e n t of 77 Narrow Point, Alaska, prior authorization for military construction repealed 450 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, appropriation for 309 National Advisory Committee on the Selection of Doctors, Dentists, and Allied Specialists, appropriation for_^ 189 National Air Museum, appropriation for__ 310 National Airport, Washington, D. C, appropriation for 377 National Arboretum, appropriation for 209 National Archives and Records Service. See under General Services Administration. National Board for Promotion of Rifle Practice, appropriation for 341 National Bureau of Standards. See under Commerce, Department of. National Cancer Institute, appropriation for 253 National Capital Housing Authority. See under Housing. National Capital Park Police. See Park Police under District of Columbia. National Capital Parks, appropriation for_ 292 National Capital Planning Commission: Appropriation for 309 Sara Louisa Rittenhouse memorial, approval of site, etc 196 National Cemeteries: Appropriation for maintenance; restrictions 197, 201 Arlington, restriction on payment to retired officer detailed on active duty at 197 Quincy National Cemetery, 111., exchange of lands to correct boundaries 150 National Collection of Fine Arts, appropriation for 310 National Commission on Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Cooperation, appropriation for expenses 367 National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, appropriation for support by District of C o l u m b i a. 278



National Conference on Citizenship, incorPafje poration 562 National Day of Prayer, 1953, proclamation c52 National Defense. See also Air Force, Department of the; Armed Forces; Army, Department of the; Defense, Department of; Navy, Department of the. Armed Forces, penalty for activities interfering with operation of, continuation of emergency powers 134 Control of persons leaving or entering the United States, proclamation c31 Defense information, penalty for delivery to foreign government, continuation of emergency powers 134 Emergency fund for the President. See under President of the United States. Emergency powers, continuation 18, 131 Espionage Act, seizure and disposal of illegally exported war materials, etc 577 M u t u a l Security Act of 1953. See separate title. Outer Continental Shelf lands, authority to suspend operations under leases during war or national emergency. 470 Photographing, mapping, etc., of milit a r y or defense properties, continuation of restriction 41 Rubber-producing facilities disposal, inclusion of national security clause in contracts and leases 411, 413 Small-business productive facilities for war or defense, inventory 237 Transfer of personnel and funds for 437 War or defense materials, penalty for destruction or defective m a n u facture, continuation of emergency powers 133 National Defense Act, Amendments: Detail of officers on active list for recruiting service and for d u t y with R O T C units 35 Reserve Officers' Training Corps, credit in senior division for training in junior division or schools approved for military training 521 National Defense Facilities Act of 1950: Contribution to State of Wisconsin under, reduction by value of land conveyance 579