Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1345

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[68 Stat. XXXI]
[68 Stat. XXXI]




^*^® Defense Production Act of 1950, funds ^*^® District of Columbia—Continued Alcoholic beverages—Continued for effecting provisions 284 Wine, champagne, and spirits tax Delaware: rates 113 District judge, additional 8, 9 Alley Dwelling Authority Act, a p p r o River and H a r b o r Act of 1954, projects priation for m a i n t e n a n c e and operauthorized 1249 ation of properties under 285 Dental Health Activities, appropriation Alley dwellings, repeal of restrictions on for 442 occupancy, construction, etc 730 Dentists in Armed Forces, utilization in American Legion 1954 National Conprofessional capacity in enlisted grade vention— or rank 254 Appropriation for 378, 382 Deschutes Federal Reclamation Project, Authority for special regulations, Oreg., approval of r e payment conp e r m i t s and licenses, etc 743 t r a c t with North Unit irrigation disApprenticeship Council, appropriation trict; authority to construct H a y s t a c k for members 378 D a m and Reservoir 679 Appropriation Act 378 Desert Lands. See under Public Lands. Appropriation for 81, 378, 801 Detention Benefits: Specified a m o u n t s to be considered T i m e extension 336 maximum 393 W a r Claims Act, extension of benefits Unexpended balances of unexpired under 759, 1033 appropriations, consolidation auDevelopment Assistance, M u t u a l Security thority 395 Act of 1954 840 Arrest books; availability for public inAppropriation for 1220 spection 755 Dictophones, tariff reclassification; import Asphalt plant, municipal— duty 913 Appropriation for 391 Diesel Fuel, tax 44 Purchase authority 386 Disabled Persons, appropriation for grants A t t a c h m e n t proceedings, written declato States for aid to 443 ration, etc 1043 Disaster Relief: Audit of vouchers 393 Agriculture, Department of, a p p r o Audited claims, appropriation for p a y priation for 88 ment 83, 801 E m e r g e n c y agricultural loans, authority Automobiles, privately owned, allowto make 999 ance for official use 394 F a r m commodities, availability 458 Board of Education. See Public schools, Housing reconstruction, mortgage insurthis title. ance authority • 592 Bridges, authority for construction in Disbursing Officers: vicinity of Constitution Avenue Armed Forces, relief from responsibility for certain losses between Sept. 8, and Jones Point 961 Buildings and Grounds, Department of, 1939, and July 1, 1948 29 appropriation for 385 Authorization for certain exchange and check-cashing transactions, extenBusiness Corporation Act 177 sion 322 Performance of delegated functions by Recorder of Deeds and other R e m o v a l of charges o u t s t and i n g in accounts of advances 175 officers 651 Distilled Spirits, tax extension 45, 46 Capital outlay, appropriation for 389 Child placement in family homes 246 Distress Areas, availability of farm comChildren's Center, appropriation for modities for relief in 458 construction 389 Distributive Trades, Census of, authorization 1019 Cigarette tax — District of Columbia: Increase 115 Adoption procedure 240 Redemption of spoiled, destroyed, or useless tax s t a m p s 169 Airports. See separate title. Alcoholic beverages— Civil defense— Beer tax r a t e 115 Appropriation for Office of 382 Payment for tax s t a m p s held on date Authority to enter into i n t e r s t a t e of increase 114 compacts 59 Redemption of spoiled, destroyed, or Claims, appropriation for settlement — 83, useless tax s t a m p s 169 379, 801

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