Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/310

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Emergency transfers. L e g a l Examining Unit.

3 CFR 1943 Supp., p. 30.

Definitions. 60 Stat. 237. 5 USC 1001. Officers allocating supe r V1 s o r y positions.

International oi^ ganlzationa, e m ployees. 3 CFR, 1953 Supp., p. 57.

67 Stat. 426.

63 Stat. 166. 5 USC 835 note.

PUBLIC I,AW 428-JUNE 24, 1954


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$15,575,600: Provided, That no details from any executive department or independent establishment in the District of Columbia or elsewhere to the Commission's central office in Washington or to any of its regional offices shall be made during the current fiscal year, but this shall not affect the making of details for service as members of the boards of examiners outside the immediate offices of the Commission in Washington or of the regional directors, nor shall it affect the making of details of persons qualified to serve as expert examiners on special subjects: Provided further, That the Civil Service Commission shall have power in case of emergency to transfer or detail any of its employees to or from its office or field force. No part of the appropriations herein made to the Civil Service Commission shall be available for the salaries and expenses of the Legal Examining Unit in the Examining and Personnel Utilization Division of the Commission, established pursuant to Executive Order 9358 of July 1, 1943, or for the compensation or expenses of any member of a board of examiners (1) who has not made affidavit that he has not appeared in any agency proceeding within the preceding two years, and will not thereafter while a board member appear in any agency proceeding, as a party, or in behalf of a party to the proceeding, before an agency in which an applicant is employed who has been rated or will be rated by such member; or (2) who, after making such affidavit, has rated an applicant who at the time of the rating is employed by an agency before which the board member has appeared as a pa^ty, or in behalf of a party, within the preceding two years: Provided, That the definitions of "agency^ "agency proceeding", and "party" in section 2 of the Administrative Procedure Act shall apply to these terms as used herein. No part of appropriations herein shall be used to pay the compensation of officers and employees of the Civil Service Commission who allocate or reallocate supervisory positions in the classified civil service solely on the size of the group, section, bureau, or other organization unit, or on the number of subordinates supervised. References to size of the group, section, bureau, or other organization unit or the number of subordinates supervised may be given effect only to the extent warranted by the workload of such organization unit and then only in combination with other factors, such as the kind, difficulty, and complexity of work supervised, the degree and scope of responsibility delegated to the supervisor, and the kind, degree, and value of the supervision actually exercised. Investigations of United States citizens for employment by international organizations: For expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of Executive Order No. 10422 of January 9, 1953, as amended, prescribing procedures for making available to the Secretary General of the United Nations, and the executive heads of other international organizations, certain information concerning United States citizens employed, or being considered for employment by such organizations, $400,000, together with not to exceed $500,000 of the unobligated balance of funds appropriated for this purpose in the "Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1954": Provided, That this appropriation shall be available for advances or reimbursements to the applicable appropriations or funds of the Civil Service Commission and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for expenses incurred by such agencies under said Executive order: Provided further, That members of the International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board may be paid actual transportation expenses, and per diem in lieu of subsistence authorized by the Travel Expense Act of 1949 while traveling on official business away from their homes or regular places of business, including periods