Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/820

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PUBLIC LAW 649-AUG. 24, 1954



FLoanBoard United Statss of America in Congress assembled, That any limitaconveyance. tioHS imposed by sectioH 73 of the Hawaiian Organic Act, as amended 1509-1512^^*^^'^' (31 Stat. 141), to the contrary notwithstanding, the F a r m Loan Board of Hawaii is authorized and directed to convey by quitclaim deed to Martha Keliikuli, whose residence and post office address is in care of Kahuku Ranch, Kahuku, city and county of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, the following described parcel of land, together with buildings and other improvements thereon, subject to the provisos hereinafter set forth: Lot 14, Puuepa-Kokoiki homesteads. North Kohala, Hawaii, being all of grant 7582 to Ernest K. Kanehailua, Registered Map Numbered 2495, Second Land District. Beginning at a post at the northeast corner of this lot and the southeast corner of lot 18 and on the west side of Ilikini Road, said point being two thousand five hundred twenty-one and three-tenths feet south and three thousand one hundred eighty and five-tenths feet east of Government Survey Trig. Station "Kehoni", as shown on Government Survey Registered Map Numbered 2495, and running by true azimuths: (1) Three hundred forty-six degrees thirty minutes, six hundred thirty-seven and four-tenths feet along Ilikini Road and lot 13 to a post; (2) seventy-six degrees thirty minutes, three hundred and seventy-eight feet along lot 13 to a post; (3) one hundred forty degrees thirteen minutes thirty seconds, seven hundred nine and eight-tenths feet along the land of Upolu to a post; (4) two hundred fifty-six degrees twenty-six minutes, six hundred ninety-three and seven-tenths feet along lots 21, 20,19, and 18, to the point of beginning; area seven and one-half acres: Provided, however, That said land or any part thereof or interest therein or control thereof shall not, without,the written consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands and Governor, be, or be contracted to be in any way, directly or indirectly, by process of law or otherwise, conveyed, mortgaged, leased or otherwise transferred to or acquired or held by or for the benefit of any alien or corporation, or, to or by or for the benefit of any person who owns, holds, or controls, directly or indirectly, other lands or the use thereof, the combined area of which and the land in question exceeds eighty acres: Provided further, That these prohibitions shall not apply to transfers or acquisitions by inheritance or between tenants in common. I n the event of violation of the foregoing provisions, said land shall forthwith be forfeited and resume the status of public land and may be recovered by the Territory or its successors in an action of ejectment or other appropriate proceedings. Ratification of SEC. 2. Sales of land heretofore made by the F a r m Loan Board of prior s a l e s. Hawaii, and deeds covering such sales heretofore executed by any two members of the F a r m Loan Board of Hawaii as provided in section 11 of Act 225, Session Laws of Hawaii 1919, and like sections contained in the Revised Laws of Hawaii, for and on behalf of said board shall not be held invalid or void for or on account of want of authority of any such members of said Board to make such sale or deed, and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed to the extent set forth. Approved August 24, 1954. Public Law 649


August 24, 1954 ^^ ^ ^ ' ^ [H. R. 7518] To enable the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii to authorize the city and county of Honolulu, a municipal corporation, to issue public improvement bonds.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives

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