Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/91

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PUBLIC LAW 343-APR- 22, 1954

68 S T A T. ]

Whereas these games will afford an opportunity of bringing together young men and women representing more than seventy nations, of many races, creeds, and stations in life and possessing various habits and customs, all bound by the uniAersal appeal of friendly athletic competition, governed by rules of sportsmanship and dedicated to the principle that the important thing is for each and every participant to do his very best to win in a manner that will reflect credit upon himself or herself, and the country represented; and Whereas the peoples of the world in these trying times require above all else occasions for friendshm and understanding, and among the most telling things which influence people of other countries are the acts of individuals and not those of governments; and Whereas experiences afforded by the 01ymi:)ic and P a n American Games make a unique contribution to common understanding and mutual respect among all peoples; and Whereas previous Olympic and P a n American Games have proved that competitors and spectators alike haA'e been imbued with ideals of friendship, chivalry, and comradeship and impressed with the fact that accomplishment is reward in itself; and Whereas the United States Olympic Association is presently engaged in assuring maximum support for the teams representing the United States at Mexico City, Melbourne, and Cortina d'Ampezzo; and Whereas a day set aside by this Nation for a rededication to the amateur ideal could accomplish great good in encouraging good will for these games: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation designating the 16th of October 1954 as National Olympic Day and urging all citizens of our country to do all in their power to support the X VI t h Olympic Games, the Winter Games to be held in 1956, and the P a n American Games to be held in 1955, and to insure that the United States Avill be fully and adequately represented in these games. Approved April 22, 1954. Public Law 343

National 0 1 y mpic Day, 1954.


Authorizing the District of Columbia to enter into i n t e r s t a t e civil-defense conipat'ts.

Whereas several States have heretofore entered into interstate civil defense comjiacts with other States in form substantiallj' as follows: "IXTEKSTATE CiVIL D E F E X S E A X D DISASTER CoMPACT

"The contracting States solemnly agree: "Article 1. The purpose of this comijact is to provide mutual aid among the States in meeting any emergency or disaster from enemy attack or other cause (natural or otherwise) including sabotage and subversive acts and direct attacks by bombs, shellfire, and atomic, radiological, chemical, bacteriological mertns, and other weapons. The prompt, full, and effective utilization of the resources of the respective States, including such resources as may be available from the United States Government or any other source, are essential to the safety, care, and Avelfare of the people thereof in the event of enemy action or other emergency, and any other resources, including personnel, equipment, or supplies, shall be incorporated into a plan

April 22, 1954 [S. J. Res. 63]