Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/530

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520 TREATY WITH THE SACS AND FOXES. 1836. hundred dollars, to James Jordan one hundred and fifty dollars, to John R. Campbell fifteen dollars, to Amos Farrar one hundred dollars, to the owners of the steamboat Warrior, one hundred and sixty-two dollars and seventy-tive cents, to George Davenport two thousand five hundre and sixty-three dollars and fifty cents, to Madame St. Ament five hundred dollars, to Madame Joseph Gunville five hundred dollars, to Madame Le Claire one hundred and twentydive dollars, to Miss Blondeau one hundred and twenty-five dollars, to Antoine Le Claire two thousand four hundred and thirty-six dollars an fifty cents, to Francis Labaehiere one thousand one hundred and sixty-seven dollars and seventy-five cents, to Pratte, Chouteau, &. Co, twenty thousand three hundred and sixty-two dollars and forty-two and a half cents, to Nathaniel Patterson four hundred and fifty-six dollars._ _ _ _ _ _ _ After the word " dollars" in the thtrd hne of the second article insert the following in lieu of the words stricken out z _ And also to pay the sum of forty-eight thousand four hundred and fifty-eight dollars, eighty-seven and El half cents to enab e said Indians to pay such_debts as may be ascertained by their superintendent to be justly due from them to individuals, and if said debts so ascertained to be just amount to more than said sum then the same_shall he divided among said creditors pro rata ; and if less, then the overplus to be paid to said Indians for their own use. _ _ The Ioway Indians having set up a claim to a part of the lands ceded by this treaty, it is therefore hereby rovided, that the President of the United States shall cause the validity and extent ofp said claim to be ascertained, and upon a relinquishment of said claim to the United States, he shall cause the reasonable and fair value thereof to_ be paid to said Ioway Indians, and the same amount to be deducted from the sum stipulated to be paid to the Sacs and Foxes.] ARTICLES OF A TREATY §iUi.?§l-}§§_ Dfade and entered into at the treaty ground on the right bank ty DPrj>¢l§m;¤gg>_;¤, the llhssisszppi river in the county J Debuque and Territory °°‘ ’ ° of Wtsconsiii opposite Roch island, on the twenty-eighth day of September one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, between Henry Dodge commissioner on the part of the United States, of the one part, and the confederuted tribes of Sac and For Indians represented in general council by the undersigned chiefs, hcadmen and warriors of the said tribes, of the other part :* `VHEREAS by the second article of the treaty made betwccn the United States and the confederate tribes of the Sac and Fox Indians on the Am€,P_374._ twenty-first day of September one thousand eight hundred and thirty- two, a reservation of four hundred sections of land was made to the Sac and Fox Indians to be laid off under the directions of the President of the United States in conformity to the provisions of said article, and the same having been so subsequently laid out accordingly, and the confederated tribes of Sacs and Foxes being desirous of obtaining additional means of support, and to pay their just creditors, have entered into this treaty, and make the following cession of land. Land ceded to ARTICLE 1. The confederated tribes of Sacs and Foxes for the purtlw U- ¤- poses above expressed, and for and in consideration of the stipulations and agreements hereinafter expressed, do hereby cede to the United States forever, the said reservation of four hundred sections of land as designated in the second article of the treaty made between the United States and the eonfederated tribes of Sacs and Foxes as the same has léeen surveyed and laid off by order of the President of the United tates. Awrrcnn 2. In consideration of the cession contained in the pre.

  • It has been deemed proper to insert part of the proclamation in relation to this treaty.