Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/560

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TREATY WITH THE NEW YORK INDIANS, as Amsnonn nv Tm: smwrs AND Asssurnn ·r0 nv Tue snvnnnr. reruns, 1838. Treaty with the New York Indians, as amended by the Senate of the United States, June 11th, 1838. ARTICLES OF A TREATY j,,,, ,;,1 1g3S_ Mzde and concluded at Bufalo Creek in the State of New York, —i,·-··¢‘ the fifteenth day (y' January in the year ey" our Lord one thouroclamation, . . . . April 4, 1s4o. sand eight hundred and thirty-ezght, by Ransom H Gtllet, a commissioner on the part 0 the United States, and the chiefs, head men and warriors 0 the several tribes of New York Indians assembled in council witnesseth: Preamble. Wumnnns, The six nations of New York Indians not long after the close of the war of the Revolution, became convinced from the rapid increase of the white settlements around, that the time was not far distant when their true interest must lead them to seek a new home among their red brethren in the West: And whereas this subject was agitated in a general council of the Six nations as early as 1810, and resulted in sending a memorial to the President of the United States, inquiring whether the Government would consent to their leaving their habitations and their removing into the neighborhood of their western brethren, and if they could procure a home there. by gift or purchase, whether the Government would acknowledge their title to the lands so obtained in the same manner it had acknowledged it in those from whom they might receive it; and further, whether the existing treaties would, in such a case remain in full force, and their annuities be paid as heretofore: And whereas, with the approbation of the President of the United States, purchases were made by the New York Indians from the Ame, p. 842. Menomonie and Winnebago Indians of certain lands at Green Bay in the Territory of Wisconsin, which after much ditiiculty and contention with those Indians concerning the extent of that purchase, the whole subject was finally settled by a treaty between the United States and the Menomonie Indians, concluded in February, 1831, to which the New York Indians gave their assent on the seventeenth day of October 1832: And whereas, by the provisions of that treaty, five hundred thousand acres of land are secured to the New York Indians of the Six Nations and the St. Regis tribe, as a future home, on condition that they all remove to the same, within three years, or such reasonable time as the President should prescribe: And whereas, the President is satisfied that various considerations have prevented those still residing in New York from removing to Green Bay, and among other reasons, that many who were in favour of emigration, preferred to remove at once to the Indian territory, which they were fully persuaded was the only permanent and peaceable home for all the Indians. And they therefore applied to the President to take their Green Bay lands, and provide them a new home among their brethren in the Indian territory. And (550)