Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/596

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586 TREATY WITH THE SENECAS. 1842. the same having been submitted and fully explained to us by Samuel Milroy and Allen Hamilton, commissioners on the part of the United States for that purpose, in full council assembled at the Forks of the Wabash in the State of Indiana. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands, and aiiixed our seals respectively this fifteenth day of May 1841. N a·wa-lin-guah, Mah-gon-zah, Pe-she-wah, Como-cot-wah, O-yan-de-ah, Shan-cot-to-wah, N a-kan-yah, Shn·pen-do·zia, Shin-go·me-zia, Canbah-chin-guah, Pe-wau-pe-ah, Ma·ze-quah, Te-moo-te·ah, Cant-au-seep-au, Wau·pe-mun-guah, To-pe-ah, Sha-pen-do-ziah, Ma-con-zah, Wan-pe-pin-ce-ah, Maun—go-zab, C0-i-sey, Ka·lah-ca-mic, Mah-con-zah, Keel-son—sauh, Pa-cong-ye·ah, Keel-swah, Mah-qui·e-cah, Benjamin, Cau-te»mon-guah, John B. Richardville, Mong-gon-zah, Poqua Godfroy. Done in presence of Samuel Milroy, Allen Hamilton, Commissioners. H. B. Milroy, Secretary to Commission. Peter Andrie, Grigway Boudie, Interpreters. To the Indian names are suhjoined a mark and seal. ARTICLES OF A TREATY May 20, 1842. Made and concluded at Bufalo Creek, in the State of New York, p,,,,],,,,,,,,,,,, on the twentieth day of May in the year one thousand eight Aug- 26, 1842- hundred and forty-two, between the United States if America, acting herein by Ambrose Spencer their Commissioner, thereto duly authorized, on the one part, and the chiefs, headmen and warriors 1y' the Seneca nation of Indians, duly assembled in council, on the other part. preamble_ Wnnnnas a treaty was heretofore concluded, and made between the said United States, and the chiefs, headmen, and warriors of the several tribes of New York Indians, dated the fifteenth day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, which treaty having Ante, p. 550. been afterwards amended, was proclaimed by the President of the United States, on the fourth of April ono thousand eight hundred and forty, to have been duly ratified. And whereas on the day of making this treaty, and bearing even date herewith, a certain indenture was made executed and concluded by and between the said Seneca nation of Indians and Thomas L. Ogden, and Joseph Fellows, assignees under the State of Massachusetts, in the presence, and with the approbation of a Commissioner appointed by the United States, and in the presence and with the approbation of Samuel Hoare, a superintendent on the part of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, which indenture is in the words and figures following to wit: