Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/651

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INDEX. 639 Sdfdiilid. Spain_ Art. 14. Articles of commerce allowed to pass Treaty of Friendship, Limits and Namgatian flf¤m£6¤¤?qtl;fo¤gl;_ the ?r¤l'dif;l2¤t£¤1£l:t;· bztwlien the United States of America and Hess 6- 0 W9 0 MLY ansi UY 6 i 0S ° O t b 27, 1795, 138 given. Importaticns fiom the United States Note Ofzzgtqf 5m;, C Ot? U .t ds gv be considered the produce of United and SP; NEWS Ween G mc h;?; tales, ·---·· 518 m' Art. 15. Consuls to have the privileges and Article 1. Pence established. - - 138 exemptions of those of the most favoured Art. 2. Southern boundary line of the United nation. Consuls engagingln commerce to States, dividing their territory fiom the be subject to the some lows and regulations Qpanish colonies of East and West Fl0· to which individuals are subject, - 518 rrdu, established, ---. 139 Art. 16. Citizens or subjects ofono party be. Ari. 3. Commissioners to run the boundary ing appointed consuls by the other, to be hue, . . _ 140 subject to the laws of the country to which Art. 4. The Mississippi ~to lac the western they belong, --·-- 518 boundary, and the navigation thereof se- Art. 17. Consuls may require the cid of the cured, - - I- - · . 140 civil authorities to arrest deserters. De· Art. 5: Hoyv qacl:1 nation ghall conduct with serters must be sent back within three Ari-ncgauéinhtheir respective terriiéolrxes, 110 m lhs, .---·- 520 . ac nation to protect e vcsse s Art.(1n8. Power to dispose of per cnal needs. of the other in their jurisdiction, - 140 In cose of real estate, alien heirs al owed A1't·_7- No ¤Y¤b¤\‘g¤ dlcyved. IH GMBH of time to dispose of the same, . . 520 seizure for debts or crimes, how to pro- Art. 19. The treaty to continue in force for ceed, . - -' - · · 142 ten years, 8;;;,, .5QO Art. 8. Vessels forced mtu port by stress of Ari:. 20. Rctificutions to be exchanged withm weather to be relieved, - _- . 142 ten mouths, ·---· 522 Art. 9. Property taken from pirates to be S"P‘"`“” A'“‘1‘•'f 522 Arllitgregessels wlvrecked ani} founders;} tgt? The United States to establish dif£`erent1a.l du- relieved, . . - . - . 142 tics uP0n °€i't¤i¤ g¤0d¤» · · · 522 Art. 11. Settlement of the estates ofdeceued Siam' , Axglnlsénleesels suspected eball exhib8: pg: Treaty of Amity and Commerce with the Ports and °°,.,_m,m”_ _ _ _ M4 King ¤f Siam- Mmh 20- 1833. - 454 Are. 13. In case of wu, one year allowed to Article 1. Perpetual peace between the Amerchants to remove, . . . 144 nations, . - rt. 14. No citizen of either notion shall take Art. 2. Cinizens of the United States at liberty a. commission from a. foreign power to arm to enter ine ports of Siam with their cur- privcteers against the other, · - 144 goes, and to sell and barter the same, 454 Art. 15. Liberty of trade in enemy’s ports Art. 3. Duties payable by vessels of the secured. Free ships make free goods, ex- United States. Ng duties payable by wigsé Arceiiténolvcgntrcbmo, mh b 5 -d 146 se s entering to re t, - · - t. . at artic es s e eeme con. Art. 4. Duties to be diminished as diminished tmbnnd, -·-·-- 146 to the most favoured nation, - - 455 Art. 17. Regulations respecting passports Art. 5. Assistance in case of shipwreck, 455 and sea-letters, -... 148 Art. 6. Settlement of debts contracted]; Art. 18. Vessels shall exhibit pusspnrtslgg Siam, ~-·--- ships of war ----- Art. 7. Merchants of the United States to Art. 19. Consxils, - . · - 150 rem; the king’s factories, &,c., - - 455 Art. 20. Courts of justice to be open to citi- Art. 8. Citizens of the United States talien zens ofeech nuticm, L - d - 150 bt s to be act ut liberty, - . 55 Art. 21. Compensation to e ma e to citi- Artrignllfirclxunts cf' the United States to zens of United States for illegal captures respect the laws of Siam, _ . - 455 of vessels by Speuish subjects. Commis- Art. 10. Appointment of Ccnsuls, . 455 sinners to ascertain the same, - _150 Final ratification of the treaty reserved for Art.22. Mutualcommercebetwoentlicnutxcns the President of the United States, . 456 to receive enlensionfand finjvcurh SSpen1sh my- S?!;`;? E'2~°,.§“§€S'§‘J€ ll.? m'}"?? N????? Convention between the United States am! his leans, ____ _ _ 153 1•f¤i¢s¢y the King 4d' ¢h¤ Khgdvm of ”*= Art. 23. Ratificetions to be exchanged Ln Sax Two Sicilies. October 14, 1832, - 442 months, _ _____ 152 Article 1. Agreement to pay the United _ _ _ States for spoliations on American pro- A Conventzon lzetween His Catholic Majesty party, --·... 442 and tire United States of Ammon for In. Art. 2. T0 be paid in nine equal iiistalmeglg 1iZg16r;y‘i;:t1oEsd_{)`wt}{»oTeIce:;d éktgiusg 11, `4 . amcyeml saun- Art. 3. Rutifications to be cxchzmged in eight ary 9, 1804, and by the Kmg of Spam months, -·.-.. 444 July 9, 1818, ..-·- 198