Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/742

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86 GENERAL INDEX. Impeachment, I power of, i. 11,17. ' expenses of certain impeacliments paid, in [card, Joseph, Aelministrator of, payment to be I d·273, 389, 456, 408. made to vi. 939. mpc mg, _ ~ _ Ice, vessels prevented by, from coming into cugtcgm-house officers, 1. 648; and sec 1. port provided for i. 188 694. ‘·l . ( Illinois, Cily, laying outiuf, coxifirmed, and com mail. See Past-Ojicc, p. 137. l vcyuuce of lots authorized, vi. 242. Implements of Trade and Occupation, exempt ·——————, Lake County, authorized to enter land, I {rem dluty, vb55O.U 40., vi. 832. mporling *`u sc om, 11. 5. ———~—·— Sc/wal Section, sale of; confirmed, vi, Imports, _ I 847. annual statistical accounts of} directed, iii. —-—·—~, St. Clair County, lands to be reserved 541. _ __ for schools in, vi. S10. duties on. See Dutws, p. 00. Illinois, Territory of, Imprzsvmricnt, _ ~ lands grunted to settlers in, i. 221. for cgpie, iv. 118, 739, 771 ; and see Gaol, establishment and rovermnent of, ii. 514. p. . boundary of, ii. 514:; iii. 218. for debt, iniglgistrict of Columbia, ii. 194, Kuskuskizi to be seat of ovemment ii. 516. 237 · v. . delegate to congress fI`0€l1, ii. 742. i process for, to changgzxpitlxlglxut of the rerigllt of su(l`mge in ii. 741. spective states, v. . execution on suits’c0mmenced before es- rcliefb of pcrsiups imprisoned. Sec Paar tznblishment of ii. 748. De tors p. o. courts in, regulated, iii. 237, 327. Inability, cfjuiiges, i. 278; ii. 534 ; iii. 643. surveyors of public lands in, appointed, iii. Independence, f 1 375. declaration 0 i. . Shnwnectown in, laid out, ii. 59]. distribution olzcopies of, iv. 78. road in, from Shaivncctoivn, uuthorized, iii. Indiamz,b¥'e{rzt0ry 0%, ,,8 318. esta is iment 0 ii. a . puyment of general stuff of governor oi] for geg5ralrpc1ts6ig3· ithe government of, ii. 58, 1812 iii. 399. 5 oc . Illinois, Staiie aj, divisidn of, into two territories, ii. 309, 514. establishment of iii. 428. special provisions respecting, laws of United émtcs extended to, iii. 50S. provision fcr suits pending before csdistrict court &c. in iii. 503. tablishment of ii. 108. sect of goveinnient df, land for, iii. 525, power of judges ,01, in district of Lou- ($18. isiana ii. 287. admission into the Union, iii. 536 _ conipenszttion tlxerefbr, ii. 444. sale and pnymnnt of three per cent. of additional compensation to secretaries lumis &c. iii. 610* iv. 431. of ii. 450. cunals iii, iii.7659; ivi 234, 662; v. 542. right of suH`rage in, extended, ii. 469, muy sell certain lands grunted for salt 525 659. works, iv. 305, 496. delegsite to congress from, ii. 525, 659. town laid oll`:xt Galena, on Bean River, iv. boundary of, next to Ohio, to be ascer- 334 · v. 79. tained and marked ii. 741. ncrthein boundary to be marked, iv. 479. how divided into eleetion districts, iii. survey of the boundary of Illinois and 103. Indiana, iv. 663. inhabitants of, authorized to form a. consticircuit courts in. Scc Circuit Courts, p. tuticn and state government, iii. 289. 25). conditions of acceptance as zz. state, iii. 290. district courts in. Sec District Courts, p, ull of N0rtl1-West Territory except Ohio t0 50. be included in, ii. 174. sont ofjustice in Gallatin county, iv. 184. Indiana, State af, nuthorizcd to sell certain lands, iv. 451, establishment of, iii. 289. 496. laws extended to iii. 390. land for :1 seminar of lcuminn iii. 430· admitted into the,Union iii. 399. _ Y ¤» l » xv. 475. ·_ l • northern boundary cf; fixed, iv. 236. payment. of militia claim cl] iv. 532. payment of three per centum cflands to, iu. governor of authorized to obtain certain 424 anbstrxxcts inf papers, iii. 602. seat of government of, grant of lands for, autlmrized to sell lands rescrved for ii. 649; iii. 290, 516. schools v. 600. school lands in located iii. 686. for provisions ins to lands in. Sec Lands, canal in, grantifor, iv. 936; v. 414, 542. 1’ubIic p. 94. canal authorized throu h public lands in Imluy, Ilia/uuid, muil chests nf, to be tested, iii. iv. 47. g ’ 719. mud in provided for iv. 234 702 718. --», William, settlement of claim of, For clerk I permisdion given toisell scliool lands, iv. hire, vi. 34. 298 558. [m·puiring Coin, i 230; ii. 405; iv. 122. I lands in. Sec Lands, Public, p. 94. Imjzarlancc, to liv grunts:} where judgment con-·: demarcation of lmundnry between Indiana stitutvs ex icn un the dcfundzmt is cn- and Illinois, iv. 663. Litlcd to it by the state laws, iv. 281. { payment of militia, vi. 789.