Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/1008

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 zkéglgs relinquish all rights secured by said act; and they do hereby acknowlmkngwlcdéo edge and declare themselves to be under the protection and guardianthemselves _¤n- ship of the United States, as other Indian tribes.

Ss;sa:*t*s· Anwtctn II. ,°A;=;ll;5j>_y:¤;¤: That no misunderstanding may exist, now or hereafter, in determindm,.,,,,,,, “ ,,,,0 ing who compose said tribe and are parties hereto, it is agreed that a compose said roll or census shall be taken and appended to this agreement, and in “’b°· like manner taken annually hereafter, and returned to the Secretary of [FM 1*9ll see the War Department of the United States, containing the names of all p°" p' 9°8‘] such as are parties hereto, and to be known and recognized as the Stockbridge tribe of Indians, who shall each be entitled to their due proportion of the benefits to be derived from the provisions made for their tribe by this and former agreements; and whenever any of them shall separate themselves from said tribe, or abandon the country which may be selected for their future home, the share or portion of such shall cease, and they shall forfeit all claims to be recognized as members of said tribe. An·r1cx.z HI. I·=¤¤\S ¢¤i¤dl¤! The said Stockbridge tribe of Indians hereby sell and relinquish to {,?£,gll§,£,;h° the United States the township of land on the east side of Lake Winnebago, (granted and secured to said tribe by the treaty with the Menomonee tribe of Indians of February 8, 1831, as amended by the resolution of the Senate of the United Statw,) and situated in the State of Wisconsin. ` Anrrcnn IV. Said 1mi_ to The said township of land shall be surveyed into lots, in conformity l’§,;“;,‘2`§€c§;‘;‘; with the plan adopted by the commissioners elected under the act of were allotted to March 3, 1843, and such of said lands as were allotted by said com- ¤>Fml>°*° °‘ wid missioners to members of said tribe who have become citizens of the

gi°°°,-uR;d;;ht}§i United States (a schedule of which is hereunto annexed) are hereby

1843, connrmed confirmed to such individuals respectively, and patents therefor shall ‘°,m§méh 10, be issued by the United States. The residue of said lands belonging 'i to the United States shall be brought into market, but shall not be sold [PM, ,,_960_] at less than the appraised value, unless the Senate of the United States shall-otherwise determine. Annex.: V. _ In considers- In consideration of the cession and relinquishment hereinbefore

;*f,f€"}’,°§*f made by the said Stockbridge tribe of Indians, it is agreed that the

to pa ° to site United States shall pay to said tribe within six months after the ratifi- ¤‘ll>° §16»5°°»*° cation of this agreement the sum of sixteen thousand five hundred

§$;° dollars, to enable them to settle their affairs, obtain necessaries, and

fairs. make provision for establishing themselves in a new home. Amrcnn VI. Tim U- $-*0 The United States shall also pay to said tribe, within six months 23E2H3i3i4b!; after the ratification of this agreement, the sum of fourteen thousand ivrlptheppprnised five hundredand four dollars and eighty-five cems,_being the appraised m" gw value of their improvements upon the lands herein ceded and relin-