Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/1024

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972 TREATY WITH BRAZIL. Jax. 27, 1849. tht3U. S. to set- reclamations, from the belief en- quellasreclamacoes pela conricgao, '=l¢ ¤l¤*¤¤¤°*'¤i¤i‘ tertained by each,—one of the em que ambas estao, uma da justizens of the U. · - - .. . S_aK,mmB,uu_ justice of the claims, and the other ca, e outra da myustiga das mesof their in_mstrce,—-and being con- mas reclamacoes, e convencrdas vinced that the only equitable and que o unico meio justo e honroso honorable method by which the para chegarem os dous paizes a two countries can arrive at a per- um perfeito accordo em taes quesfect understanding of said ques- tdes sera resolve-las por via de uma tions is to adjust them by a single transucgao; concordérao mutuaact; they mutually agreed, after mente, depois de maduro esame a mature examination of these sobre aquellas reclamacoes; e para claims; and, in order to carry this o lim de poder levar se a elfeito agreement into execution, it be- aquella transacgao, em que por comes the duty of Brazil to place parte do Brazil sc ponha at dispoat the disposition of the President sigao do Presidente dos Estados of the United States the amount Unidos a quantia de quinhentos e of five hundred and thirty thou- trinta. contos de reis, moeda corsand milreis, current money of rente do Brazil, como quantitativo Brazil, as a reasonable and equita- razoavel e equitativo, que compreble sum, which shall comprehend, benderé a generalidade das reclathe whole of the reclamations, macdeo, qualqucr que seja a sua whatever may be their nature naturcza e importancia, e como and amount, and as full compen— compensagao plena pelas indemsation for the indemnihcations nidades reclamadas pelo governo claimed by the government of dos ditos Estados; as quaes serao said States; to be paid in a round satisfeitas ern globo, sem referensum, without reference to any one cia a nenhuma dessas reclamagoes, of said claims, upon the merits of em cujo merito prescindem de enwhich the two high contracting trar as altas partes contractantes; parties refrain from entering; it licando ao governo dos Estados being left to the government of the Unidos 0 avaliar a justica, que as- United States to estimate the jus- sista dos reclamantes, para distritice that may pertain to the claim- buir por elles a supradita soma de ants, for the purpose of distributing quinhentos e trinta eontos de reis among them the aforesaid sum of como julgue mais conveniente. five hundred and thirty thousand milreis, as it may deem most proper. Anrrcnr: II. Amico II. Burzi] axon,". In conformity to what is Em eonformidade do que fica •f¢•=9_**°*¤¤‘F°P9¤- agreed upon in the preceding arti- concordado no artigo antecedente

 cle, Brazil is exonerated from all c exonerado o Brazil de- qualquer

said claim. responsibility springing out of the responsabthdade provemente das aforesaid claims presented by the ditas reclamagoes, apresentadas government of the United States pelo gorerno dos Estados Unidos up to the date of this convention, atc a data desta convengao; as which can neither be reproduced qual nao poderao ser mais repronor reconsidered in future. duzidas, é uem attendidas no futuro. Amrcu: III. Amico III. Documents In order that the government of A tim de que o governo dos ‘Yl’l°l' *l“’°" the United States may be enabled Estados Unidos possa attender de-

 properly` to consider the claims vidamente as reclamacoes dos cinished i¤ ilu of the citizens of said States,-—· dadaos dos mesmos Estados, que

5::§“‘§°°° °f they remaining, as above de- pela forma acima declarada ticao ` clared, subject to its judgment,- suyetas i sua apprecracao, serl-he