Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/103

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'1`WENTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Ssss. I. Ch. 102, 103. 1846. 77 provide for certain incidental Expenses of the Departments and Odiccs of the Government, and for other Purposes," approved August twenty· six, eighteen hundred and forty-two, be, and the same is hcrebygcpcaled. Sm:. 2. And be it further enacted, That so much of the act. entitled "An Act to provide for the Publication of the Laws of the United m8»°h·°°· States, and for other Purposes," approved April twentieth, eighteen hundred and eighteen, as is repealed by the said twenty-first section, be and the same is hereby, revived and continued in force: Provided, Laws tqbe pub. That the Secretary for the Department of State shall cause the publi- "' °‘Y° . . . . papéfl ID canon of such laws, resolutions, treaties, and amendments, m two of each smc md the newspapers in the District of Columbia, and in each of the several T¢¤’i¢°U· States and Territories of the United States, and no more. A1-mzcvnu, August 8, 1846. C¤.u>. ClI. An Actfm- du Allowance of Drawback on foreign Merchandise im. Aug. 8, l846. ported ima certain Dietrich of the United States from the British North Jlznerican ’"‘ Provinces, and cx;-orud to foreign Countries. Bc it cnaclcd by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Dmwback on United States of America in Congress assembled, That any merchan- ¤¤¤f¤h¤¤di•¤_ _ disc imported from the British North American provinces adjoining the frgxintggs Bnuig United States which shall have been duly entered and the duties there? fcwed. on paid or secured according to law at either of the ports of entry in the collection districts situated on the northern, north-eastern, and north-western frontiers of the United States, may be transported by land or by water, or partly by land and partly by water, to any port or ports from which merchandise may, under existing laws, be exportcd for benefit of drawback, and be thence exported with such privilege to any foreign country: Provided, That such cxportations shall be Exporunion to made within one year from the date of importation of said merchan- be made within dise, and that existing laws relating to the transportation of merchan- ’°"· dise entitled to drawback from one district to another, or to two other ¤¤mpll;§uwi•.h. districts, and the duc exportation and proof of landing thereof, and all regulations which the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe for the security of the revenue, shall be complied with. Arrxovx-zu, August 8, 1846. Can. CIIl.· .»9n .6:2 mating cmain Lands to the Terrnj 0 I to a' in u Improvement eghhlzlhxvigaiiou of the Dc: Moines River, ivlfsagyajkrrizzfy. the Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqzrescntatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be, and public had, hereby is, granted to the Territory of Iowa, for the purpose of aiding ${**4*6 *° UM ·said Territory to improve the navigation of the Des Moines River [0°,5;mf·3me hg from its mouth to the Racoon Fork, (so called,) in said Tcrritory,one mémenn oljme equal moiety, in alternate sections, of the public lands, (remaining un- m M°"'°' sold, and not otherwise disposed oi] cncumbcrcd, or appropriated,) in ` a. strip Eve miles in width on each side of said river; to be selected within said Territory by an agent or agents to be appointed by the governor thereof, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the lands hereby granted shall not be conveyed or disposed of by said Territory, nor by any Nottobe eqn- State to be formed out of the same, except as said improvements shall '°Y:g “9; ;"; progress; that is, the said Territory or State may sell so much of said m,Mg c,,,: lands as shall produce the sum of thirty thousand dollars, and then the sales shall cease, until the governor of said Territory or State shall