Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/362

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336 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rus. 12, 13, 15. 1848. A1} horses be- lost by the Missouri volunteers in the Florida war : “Provided, also, {°“g“‘g ?° "°l““' That all horses belonging to volunteers, which were lost in the Gulf gf eers, which were . . . . . thrownoverboard Mexico, since the thrrteenth May, eighteen hundred and forty-six, by 3*19;:*:0 Guléngg being thrown overboard or otherwise, shall be paid for in thesamg mm May, 1846, manner us is provided for the payment of other lost horses m this act, ¤i=<>¤>¥>¢P¤id!'¤¤· APPROVED, June 16, 1848. June 30, 1848_ [No, 12.] -A Resolution authorizing the Presentation to the Gnummmt of 1-.— France of u Series of the Standard Weights and Measures of the United Status, and for other Purpose:. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United A ,,6,,8,, of the States ry' America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State be standard weights directed to furnish to Alexandre Vattemare one complete series of the §,fgU’f,’f,;f,“g‘§;,Q;` standard weights and measures of the United States, now in the De. tobe presented to partment of State, to be presented to the government of France ; and gf F§$§;’}'°::$ that he furnish to the Joint Committee on the Library twenty-f;vg wm, bmik, to copies of the revolutionary archives, and an equal number of copies of be furnished to Little and Brown’s edition of the Laws of the United States, to be dis-

,3 ,h(g°"Ij§£fy° posed of by them for the purposes of international exchange.

for purposes oi Sec. 2. And be it further resolved, That seven copies of the works

‘;]*;’;g;‘*°“"l °"‘ of the exploring expedition now published, and an equal number of

' such of the works of the same as may hereafter be published, be placed at the disposal of the Joint Library Committee of Congress for the purposes of international exchange. Armovzo, June 30, 1848. July 1, 1843, [No. 13.] — .9 Joint Resolution relative 20 Evidence in Jppiicationfor Pension:. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of llze (hired Evidence that States of America in Congress assembled, That in all cases where a

 pension may have been granted to any officer or soldier of the Revolu-

0,, of ,_ rem;,,. tion in his lifetime, the evidence upon which such pension was granted ¢i¤¤§¤7 ¤fE¤<¤ PF shall be conclusive of the service of such officer or soldier in the appli-

°,£‘;:Q0t; °bt°m cation of any widow, or woman who may have been the widow, of such

officer or soldier, for a pension; and upon proof by her that she was married to any such officer or soldier prior to January first, seventeen hundred and ninety-four, and that she is a. widow, she shall thereupon be placed upon the pension rolls at the same rate that such officer or soldier received during his lifetime. Approved, July 1, 1848. July 10;1848. [No. 15.] —- Joint Resolution disposing of two bras: Field-Piece: captured at the """"""' Battle of Bennington, in seventeen hundred and scunty·:e·¤e1i. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _'I‘wobrsss iie1d— States of America in Congress assembled, That two brass field-pieces, QRS: b‘;Q5;“‘g,‘! captured from the enemy at the battle of Bennington, in the State of Bennington, in Vermont, in seventeen hundred and seventy-seven, new in the posses-

n°ZZLt;‘:1:‘;d"£} sion of the United States, be immediately well mounted, under the

ggyemd to me direction of the Secretary of War, and delivered to the governor of s¤v¤r¤¤r ¤f Ver- the State of Vermont, to be hereafter holder; as the property of said mm"' State. A1>1>n0v1·:1>, July 10, 1848.