Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/936

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884 TREATY WITH NEW GRANADA. Dec. 12, 1846. ted States, or to or from the ter- torios de la republica de la Nueva ritcrles of the republic of New Granada para los de los Estados Granada, which shall not equally Unidos, 6 de los territories de los extend to all other nations. Estados Unidos para los de la republics de la Nueva Granada, que no sea igualmente estensiva 6 las otras naciones. An·r1c1.r·: VI. An·r1cu1.0 VI. _Tl¤¤ ¤l·iP¤l¤*i<?¤¤ In- order to prevent the possibil· A fin de remover la posibilidad Qlltiglgsprggsflgg ity of any misunderstanding, it is de cualquiera mala intelijencia con his to vessels of hereby declared that the stipula- respecto a los tres articulos ante- °"l‘°". P“"Y a" tions contained in the three pre- riores, se declara aqui: que las l‘lVll'lg lll (IIB p0l’IS , . . . . . of the g|_hg|·’ ceding articles are to their full estipulacioues contemdas en ellos Whelhef *h¤J' extent applicable to the vessels of son aplicables en toda su eaten- £:.€:§g£gT0t£: the United States and their car~ sion a los buques de la Nueva country or from goes arriving in the ports of New Granada i sus cargamentos que f°"°‘g“ l’°'“· Granada, and reciprocally to the arriben 5 los puertos de los Estavessels of the said republic of dos Unidosjreciprocamentealos New Granada and their cargoes buques delos Estados Unidosisus arriving in the ports of the Uni· cargamentos que arriben at los ted States, whether they proceed puertos de la Nueva Granada; sea from the ports of the country to que procedan de los puertos del which they respectively belong, or pals 5. que ellos pertenezcan refrom the ports of any other foreign spectivamente, 6 de los de cualcountry; and in either case, no quiera otro pais estranjero; ique discriminating duty shall be im- en ningun caso se impondra 6 coposed or collected in the ports of brarara derecho alguuo diferencnil either country on said vessels or en los puertcs de los dos paiscs their cargoes, whether the same sobre los dichos buques 6 sus carshall be of native or foreign prod- gamentos, ya sean estos del prouce or manufacture. ducto 6 manufactura nacional 6 del producto 6 manufactura estranjera. Awrrcnn VII. Arvrrcuw VII. the_i¤¤¢;t¤¤ $5 it It is likewise agreed that it Se conviene adenias, que sera me QQ {,,,,,,8,, shall be wholly free for all mer- enteramente libre a los comerciumn_ awa busi- chants, commanders of ships, and antes, capitanes de buques, i otros 2** l."‘h° °°““‘ other citizens of both countries, ciudadanos de ambos paises may o the other, . , , &¢., ua to manage, by themselves or nejar a su voluntad sus negocios agents, their own business in all por si mismos, 6 por medic de sus the ports and places subject to the ajentes, en todos los puertos i'lujurisdiction of each other, as well gares sujetos 6 la jurisdiccion del with respect to the consignments uno it del otro, tanto con respecto and sale of their goods and mer- 5 las consignacionesi ventns por chandise by wholesale or retail, as mayor 6 menor de sus efectos i with respect to the loading, un- mercaderias, como con respecto 6 loading, and sending 0H` their la carga, descarga i despacho de ships; they being, in all these sus buques {1 otros negocios, debitube trevcd ¤¤ cases, to be treated as citizens of endo en todos estos casos ser tru-

‘°"°"°· °l ll" the country in which they reside, tados como ciudadanos del pais

ountry in which . , , they reside. or at least to be placed on an en que resxdan, 0 considerados al equality with the subjects or citi· menos bajo igual pie que los subzens of the most favored nation. ditos 6 ciudadanos de la nacion mas favorecida.