Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/945

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TREATY WITH NEW GRANADA. Dec. 12, 1846. 893 ship sailed, in the accustomed forma. acostumbrada por los emfbrm; without which requisites pleados del lugar de la procedensaid vessel may be detained, to be cia del buque, sin cuyos requisitos adjudged by the competent tribu- el dicbo buque podra ser detenido nal, and may be declared lawful para que se le juzgue por el tribuprize, unless the said defect shall nal competente, i podra ser declabe proved to be owing to accident, rado buena presa, a. menos que se and shall be satisfied or supplied pruebe que el defecto proviene de by testimony entirely equivalent. algun accidente,i se satisfaga 6 subsane con testiinonios del todo equivalentes. ARTICLE XXIH. ARTICUL0 XXIII. It is further agreed, that the Se ha convenido ademas que _Visitingregulastipulations above expressed rela- las cstipulaciones anteriores rela- ESS ,;° Vexété}; tive to the visiting and examina- tivas al reconocimiento ivisita de w,tl,,,ut convoy, tion of vessels shall apply only to los buques, se aplicarén unicathose which sail without convoy; mente a los que naveguen sin conand when said vessels shall be voi,ique cuandolos dichos buques under convoy, the verbal declara- estuvieren bajo de convoi, sera tion of the commander of the con- suficiente la declaracion verbal del voy, on his word of honor, that the comandante de este, bajo su palavessels under his protection belong bra de honor, de que los buques to the nation whose liag he carries, que se hallan bajo su proteccion and when they may be bound to pertenecen a la nacion cuya banan enemy's port, that they have no dera llevan; i cuando se dirijan 6 contraband goods on board, shall un puerto enemigo, que los dichos be sufficient. buques no tienen a su bordo articulos de contrabando. Artrrcm XXIV. Amrcuno XXIV. It is further agreed, that in all Se ha convenido ademas, que Prim <}¤¤¤¤¤*<> cases the established courts for en todos los cases que ocurran, l_’,,°b$§g,{"t,l':,x prize causes, in the country to solo los tribunales establecidos only. which the prizes may be con- para causas de presas en el pais 5. ducted, shall alone take cogni- que las presas sean conducidas, zance of them. And whenever tomaran conocimiento de ellas. I D¢<=¤9¤ ¤f¢¤¤- such tribunals of either party shall siempre que tales tribunales de ,'lf,,'Q,“:l',;';e;°;::: pronounce judgment against any una de las partes pronunciaren thereolt vessel, or goods, or property, sentencia contra algun buque, 6 claimed by the citizens of the efectos 6 propiedad reclamada por other party,the sentence or decree los ciudadanos de la otra, la senshall mention the reasons or mo- tencia 6 decreto hara mencion de tives upon which the same shall las razones 6 motivos en que have been founded, and an authen- aquella se hubiere fundado, i se ticated copy of the sentence or de- franqueara sin retardo alguno al cree, and of all the proceedings in comandante é ajente de dicho buthe case, shall, if demanded, be que, silo solicitare, un testimonio delivered to the commander or autentico dela sentenciaédecreto, agent of said vessel, without any 6 de todo el proceso, satisfaciendo delay, he paying the legal fees for por el los derechos legales. the same. ARTICLE XXV. ARTICULO XXV. For the purpose of lessening the Con el tin de disminuir los males hx <;q¤¤ <>fw¤r, evils of war,the two high contract- de la guerra, las dos altas partes 2,°:f;'l';:’;,c3° 2: ing parties further agree, that in contratantes convienen ademas: by persons duly Gusc a war should unfortunately queen caso de suscitarse desgra- °°'“”“”*°¤°d-