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REFERENCE, The litM of poriih churchM me indicilcd by a >quvc crou + , the numbers appended relaring lo llic actomi>an)'ing lilt Tboje belonging lo the Deanery o( Bow (peculiar! of the Arehbishop of Conleitury) aie marked by a circle round the ao» Si. , Outside the aru ^own in the map, but within the ban, were the patuh cKutcJm of St. Andrew Holborn. Si. Duniian in ihc Wc*t. and St. Bride. 1 Si, Allan. ? All HaIIowi Bailing. 3. AN Hallowi Bread Slrccl. 4 All HJIow. Iht Oral. S All H..llo»> Honey Utx. fi. All H.llow. Iho Um. 7 All H.llow> LomWd Sum. 8, All Hillowi London WJI. 9. All Hallows StAming. 10. Si. Alphago. 11. Si. Andrm HolUd 19. Si. Andrew Undn>l,.ll. 13 Si. Andrew b; ihc M'ardrolc. 14. S S.Anne and Agnc lb. Si. Anlholin. 16. Si. Auguilinc. 17. Si. BarlWomew ILuhange. 1R. Si, Benel Finl. 19. St, Bene! GracecJiureh, m. Si, Benel Paul, tt'harl. 21. Si. Benel Shcrehog. 9?. Si. Bololpl, BUIinjigale. 93. 24. Si. Clemenl Caitchcafi. n. Si Dionir Baikeliorcli. 95. Sl- Duntlan in Ihe Eail, 97. Si, Edmund the King. 28. Sl. Ejkelburga. 99. Sl. Anne Blacklrian 30. Sl. Failh, 31 Sl. Gabnel Fenchureti. 32. St. Ceeirge Bololph Line 33. Sl. Gregory. 34. Sl. Helen. 35, Sl. Jame. Carllekhilbe, 36. Sl |o1.n the Bafli.l. Wall,r,..k 37 Sl. John ihc Evangclitl. 38 Sl. John Zacharv, 39 Sl. Kalhaiine Colman 40 Sl. Kalhannc Crrc. 41 Sl. Laurence jcwr>.. 4? St. Laurence Pounlney. 43 Sl. Leonard Eailcheap 44 Sl. Leonard Foiltf 45 Sl. Magnu.. 4b Sl. Margaret Ulhbury, 47, Sl. Margarcl More*. 48 Sl, Margaret New Fiih Sirc*.|, 49. St, Margaret Patient. 50 Sl Martin liemongcr. 51 Si Maltin Ludgaic 59 Sl, Martin Otgai, 53. St, MaiUn Outwicb, 54 St. Manin Vmliy- 55 Sl- Mary Ahehurch. 56, Sl. Mary Aldnmanbury. .57, St. Mary Aldcrmary, 58. Chrirtchurcb Newgate 59. St, Mary Bolhaw 60. 5l. Mary le How. 61. Sl, Mary Colcehorch, 6? St. Mary at Hill. 63. Sl. Mary Mounthaw. 64. Sl, Mary SonteTKl. 65. Sl. Mary Staining 66. Sl. Mary Woolchoreh, 67 Sl. Mary Woolnoth. 68. Sl. Mary Magdalen M.Ik Sited 69 Sl. Maty Magdalen Old Fol. St 70 St, Matthew Friday Streel. 71 Sl. Michael Baitihaw, 79. St, Michael Cornh.ll 73, Sl, Michael Crooked Unc 74. St, Michael Qacenhilhe, 75, Sl. Michael le Qucrne, 76 St, Michael Royal or Palern,..ter 77 Sl, Michael Wood -Siicet. 78 St, Mildred Bread Sireel, 79. St. Mildred Poultry, BO. Sl Nichola. Aeon, 81. St, Nichola. Coleabbey, R9 Sl. Nicholar Olavc, 83. Sl. Jame. Duke'. Place, 84. Sl, Olave Hon SttcTl, 85. St, Ola.e Jewry. 86. Sl, Olave Silver Strwl, 87. Sl, Pancra. Soper Lane. 88. St. Peter Cheap. 89. St. Pelcr Cornhill. 90. St. Peter Paul'. Wharl, 91. Sl Peter le Poor. 92. St. Stephen Coleman Slieel, 93. Sl. Stephen Walbrook, 94. Sl. Swilhin, 95. Sl Thoma. Apoille 96. Holv Tr.nii, the Little, •97 Sl Vcda.l or FoJer. 98. St, Botolpb Aldefigale, 99. Sl Bololph Aldgale, 100. St, Bololph Bi.hop.gale. 101. Sl. die. Cnpplegale, 102. Sl, Peter in the Tower. 103. Sl, Sepulchre, 104. Sl, Bartholomew the Crcal, 105. St, Bailholomew the Lc. 106. Holy Trinil, Minotie.. M*p HI ; Skltch Map t.> Illustrati: the Ecclesiastical AsPtcr of THt CiTV of Losdon iiumsfi thf. Ptmou BirwtEN THt Rkpormation and the Great Finfc