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•J By i •St. Ethelburga . . ,

  • St. Helen Bishopsgate .

St. Martin Oatwich

  • St. Katherine Cree

St. James Duke's Place

  • St. Katherine Coleman

•St. Magnus | g St. Margaret New Fish Street j St. Michael Crooked Lane •St. Margaret Lothbury St. Christopher le Stocks St. Bartholomew Exchang St. Olave Old Jewry St. Martin Pomcroy St. Mildred Poultry St. Mary Colechurch [Mercers' Chapel] . •St. Margaret Pattens St. Gabriel Fenchurch •St. Mary at Hill . St. Andrew Hubbard St. George Botolph Lane St. Botolph Billingsgate •St. Mary Woolnoth St. Mary Woolchurch . •St. Michael Cornhill . St. Peter le Peer . . St. Benet Fink . •St. Olave Hart Street . All Hallows Staining . •St. Peter Cornhill . . •[St. Peter ad V'incula in theN Tower (donative).] I •[Royal Chapel of St. John in I A HISTORY OF LONDON Deanery of the East City {continued) . ] By Order in Council, 1 .1 5Mayi873.'-' f By Order in Council, 1 5 May 1873." / I Fire Act 1781 Fire Act By Local Act, I Will. IV, cap. iii (1831). J . [ By Local Act, 2 & 3 I Vic. cap. cvii (1839). •) By Order in Council, | 19 Aug. 1871.-' By Order in Council, 26 Nov. i886.*« 


[ By Order in Council, 26 Sept. 1 90 1." . 1 By Local Act, 5 &6Vic. . j cap. ci (1842). By Order in Council, 1 31 Mar. 1870.-" ( By Order in Council, II May 1906."


the White Tower. •St. Alban Wood Street St. Olave Silver Street St. Michael Wood Street St. Mary Staining . . •St. Alphage •St. Andrew by the Wardrobe St. Anne Blackfriars .

  • St. Anne and St. Agnes . . )

St. John Zachary . . . . i •St. Augustine [ St. Faith J

  • St. Bartholomew the Great .
  • St. Bartholomew the Less

Deanery of the West City By Fire Act . . . By Order in Council, 1 7 Aug. 189+.'" J } By Fi Fire Act •[St. Benet Paul's Wharf, now a Welsh chapel with a perpetual curate." See iii/ra.] •St. Botolph Aldersgate . . ■ •St. Bride , Holy Trinity Gough Square , Formed as district cha- pelry by Order in Council, 1 1 Aug. 1842.^' Remerged by Order m Council, 30 June 1906." Christ Church Newgate Street ^^'■cu™u,:!°^ ^'" ^'"'^°^ United by Fire Act. Shambles) St. Leonard Foster Lane " LonJ. Gaz. 6 May 1S73, p. 2252. " Stat. 21 Geo. Ill, cap. 71. '" Ibid. 17 Dec. 1886, p. 6363. »« Ibid. 18 May 1906, p 3+46. '° Ibid. 14 Aug. 1894, p. 4692. " Ibid. 11 Oct. 1842, p. 2748. » Ibid. 2258. " Lotid. Giiz. 22 Aug. 1S71, p. 3692. " Ibid. I Oct. 1901. p. 6385. " Ibid. I Apr. 1870, ^. 1977. " Ibid. 16 Nov. 1866, p. 6060. "Ibid. 3 July 1906, p. 4545. 402