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RELIGIOUS HOUSES with a residence ultimately held and allotted by the dean and chapter. In future no benefice was tenable with a minor canonry. An order in council ratified in 1876 "'a scheme of the dean and chapter which regulated the duties and position of minor canons. It provided that they must live in the houses assigned to them except during a vacation of at least ten weeks, and must retire at the age of fifty-five on a pension whose amount varied from £^,.0 to ;^250, according to the length of their residence, or whenever the dean and chapter desired their resignation. After their retirement they might receive honorary minor canonries from the dean and chapter, and with these the right to a stall in the cathedral, but no emolument or place in the college. Already, in 1872, in obedience to an order in council the dean and chapter had transferred the property they held for the pittanciary and the vicars choral to the commissioners ; in its stead and with a like destination they received ;^900 every year.^^' An ordinance of the dean and chapter regulated the duties of the vicars in 1874.* The choir was further organized when, in 1878, it was ordained that there should be twelve assistant vicars choral and forty choristers.*™ In this year all statutes which regarded the vergers were repealed ; they were entirely and solely subordinated to the dean and chapter ; the dean appointed his verger, the superior of the other three, who received their places from the dean and chapter." Thus the Ecclesiastical Commissioners not only arranged tiie disposition of the cathedral property in accordance with modern values, but they further made the holding and apportioning of it to rest on entirely new principles. They extended the powers of the dean and chapter to the detriment of those of other classes of clergy and of officers in the cathedral ; and they brought them into direct relation with the central govern- ment. In this way the commissioners reproduced in St. Paul's some of that simplicity, that absence of conflicting authorities, which their own authority had brought partly into the Church of the country. But by the introduction of a new authority not susceptible to local influence, the cathedral lost much of the individuality which has so great an historical value, and which alone renders possible any independent history. Deans of St. Paul's Ulstan or Ulman,*" occurs 1085-HO7 William Ralph of Langford, occurs 1142 "' Suppl. to Reg. S. Pauli (ed. W. S. Simpson), 104. "' Ibid. III. There were at this time six vicars choral including the pittanciary. ^•■nbid. 112. ""Ibid. 116. '" Ibid. 1 1 7.

  • " Dean whose tenure is doubtful.

Taurinus of Stamford, occurs c. 1 152-62 Hugh de Marney, occurs 1 1 60- 18 Ralph de Diceto, occurs c. 1181-1204 Alard de Burhham, occurs c. 1204 Gervase de Hobrugge,* 1216 William de Basinges*'* Robert of Watford, occurs 1213-27 Martin de PateshuU, occurs 1228 Richard Weathershead,^" occurs before 1 229 Geoffrey de St. Lucy, occurs 1231 William de St. Marie, occurs 124 1 Henry of Cornhill, occurs 1243 Walter of London or de Salerne, 1254 Robert de Barthone, 1256 Peter of Newport Richard Talbot, occurs before 1262 Geoflfrey de Feringes, occurs 1263 John de ChishuU, occurs 1268 Hervey de Borham, 1273 Thomas de Ingaldesthorp, 12 76-7 Roger de la Leye, 1283 William de Mountfort, 1285 Ralph Baldock, 1294 Raymond de la Goth, 1307 Arnald de Cantilupe, 1307 John Sendale *'«  Richard Newport Vitalis de Testa John of Everdon, 1322 or 1323 Gilbert Bruere, 1336 Walter de Aldebury," 1362 Thomas Trillek, 1363 John of Appelby, 1368 Robert Brewer,*'* 1376 Thomas of Evrere, 1389 Thomas Stow, 1400 Thomas Moor, 1406—7 Reginald Kentwood, 142 1— 2 Thomas Lisieux, 1441 Laurence Bothe, 1456 William Say, 1457 Roger Radclyff, 1463 Thomas Wynterbourne, 1 47 1 William Worsley, 1478-9 Robert Sherbourn, 1499 John Colet, 1505 Richard Pace, 15 19 Richard Sampson,*'^ ^537 John Incent, i 540 William May, 1545-6 " John Feckenham, 1553-4 Henry Cole, i 556 Alexander Nowell, 1560 John Overall, 1602 Valentine Grey, 16 14 John Donne, 162 1

  • " See text for tenure of this dean.

'" Dean whose tenure is doubtful. '" Ibid. "^ See text for tenure of this and two following deans. '" Dean whose tenure is doubtful. "* Ibid.

  • " The date is doubtful. See text.