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RELIGIOUS HOUSES the Dissolution its revenues were reckoned at j^773 o;. i|^. gross, and ^693 os. lo^d. net,*" rents and ferms in London and the suburbs alone amounting to £4^1 31. jd.^^ Its property at that time comprised the manors of Canonbury, Acton, Renters in Hendon, Great Stanmore, Canons in Little Stanmore, and lands in Port- pool, Little Stanmore and ' Shardington,' per- haps Charlton, co. Middlesex ; *^ the manors of Langley Hall in Clavering,*' and Shortgrove,*^ and meadowland in Walthamstow,*' co. Essex ; the manors of Tewin,^* Holmes in Shenley," and Walhall,** co. Herts. ; the church of St. Sepulchre, which had very early been appro- priated to the priory,*' the church of Theydon Bois, CO. Essex, which the canons had received licence to appropriate in 1335 ; ^° the rectories of Bradfield, co. Essex, Gorleston, Lowestoft, co. Suffolk, and Mentmore," co. Bucks., and the advowson of the church of Tewin ; ^^ the obla- tions of the chapel of St. Mary, Yarmouth,*' and pensions from the churches of Wenhaston, co. Suffolk, and Danbury," co. Essex. In 1291'" and 1428 '^ the priory had also received a portion of 2 marks from the church of Sunbury in Middlesex. The prior held in 1303 a quarter of a knight's fee in Bradfield," and a fraction of a fee in Tewin ; ** in 13 16 he held a whole fee in Little Stanmore; in 1346, a quarter of a fee in Bradfield ; '*■ in 1428 he still held this quarter fee in Bradfield, '°' and appears to have held moreover half a knight's fee in Acton and a quarter in Islington.'"" The church was rich in plate, possessing at the suppression of the priory more than 500 oz. of gilt plate, 370 oz. of parcel gilt, and 311 oz, of white plate.'"'

  • • FahrEccl. (Rec. Com.), i, 407, 408.

" Ibid, i, 407. Auditors of the accounts of the collectors of rent in the City and suburbs were ap- pointed in 1533 at a salary of 40;. per annum, and 20s. a year for their clerk. Karl. Chart. 83, A. 43.

  • ' Mins. Accts. 32 Hen. VIII, given in Dugdale,

Mon. Angl.vx, 297.

  • ^ Morant, //«/. of Essex, ii, 614.

" Ibid, ii, 585. " Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 297. ^ Ibid. ; L. and P. Hen. Vlll, xvi, p. 715. "' Add. Chart. 1992. ^ L. and P. Hen. Fill, xvi, p. 715.

  • ' Newcourt, Repert. , 530.

^ Cal. of Pat. 1334-8, p. 173. They owned the rectory in 1526. Lend. Epis. Reg. Bonner, fol. 47^. " Dugdale, Mon. Angl. vi, 297. '^ Chauncy, Hist, of Herts. 274. L. and P. Hen. Vlll, xvi, p. 716. " Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 297. A pension of sor. from Danbury church was being paid in 1428. Feud. Aids, ii, 207. '= Harl. MS. 60, fol. 26. « Feud. Aids, iii, 378. " Ibid, ii, 129. '* Ibid, ii, 434. ^ Ibid, iii, 373. '""Ibid, ii, 154. "' Ibid, ii, 218. "^ Ibid, iii, 383. "" Monastic Treas. (Abbotsford Club), 26. Priors of St. Bartholomew's, West Smithfield Rahere, occurs 1123'°* and 1133,'°' died Ii44i««  Thomas, elected 11 44, died 1174'"' Alan, occurs f. 1 1 81"- 1 204 Richard, occurs 1202-3 "" G., elected and resigned 1213 " John, removed 1232 Gerald, elected 1232,"^ occurs 1233 "' ^^^ 1237-8* Peter le Due, occurs 1242 and 1251,"* re- signed 1256"^ Robert, elected 1256,^^' occurs 1257 "* Gilbert de Weledon, elected 1262 "' John Bacun, occurs 1264 '^'^ Hugh, occurs 1274,'^' died 1295 ^^ John, occurs 1306,'^' 131 7,'-* 1321,^^' 1323^'° John, occurs 1338, 1339,'"' and 1 340,'-* died 1350'^' Edmund de Braughyngg, elected 1350,"" resigned 1356 '" John de Carleton, elected 1356 "^ Thomas Watford, occurs 1362,"' died 1382 "* '" Matt. Westm. Flor. Hist. (Rolls Ser.), ii, 1123. '"* In a charter of Henry I, of which an inspeximus by Henry VI is given in Add. MS. 34768, fol. 9^-1 1. ""■ Cott. Vesp. B. ix, fol. 59^. '"' Ibid. fol. 593. He was a canon of St. Osyth's. "^ Doc. of D. and C. of St. Paul's, A. Box 71, No. 1798. "^ Hardy and Page, Cal. ofLond. and Midd. Tines, 6. "" He was a canon of Oseney, and a few days after his election as prior he became a monk at Abingdon. Ann. Mon. (Rolls Ser.), iii, 41. '" Ibid, iii, 130. "» Ibid. '" Doc. of D. and C. of Westm. London, A. parcel 2. "* Hardy and Page, op. cit. 24. He is here called Gerard. "* He is called Peter le Due in 1242 {Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. ix, App. i, 15), but Peter only in 1237, ibid. 3. "« Dugdale, Mon. Angl. vi, 291. '" Ibid. "' Hist. MSS. Com. Rep. ix, App. i, 9. "' Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 291. "" Ibid. '" Cal. of Close, 1272-9, p. 117. '" Cal. of Pat. 1 292-1 301, p. 131. '^' He is called John de Kemsingham in Cal. of Chart, in BodL Lib. 162. "*■ Doc. ofD. and C. of St. Paul's, A. Box 23, No. 168. '" Cal. of Close, 1318-23, p. 288. '^« Ibid. 1323-7, p. 149. '"Ibid. 1337-9, P-523 ; 1339-41. P- 330- '" Year Books Edw. Ill, Easter and Trinity Terms, th year (Rolls Ser.). He is here called John de Pekesden. ^ Cal. of Pat. 1348-50, p. 505. ■"' Ibid. p. 535. "' Dugdale, op. cit. vi, 291. '" Ibid. "' Inspex. and confirm, in 1390 of an indenture between him and John de Mirfeld. CaL of Pat. 1388-92, p. 234. '" Lond. Epis. Reg. Braybrook, fol. 264. 479