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RELIGIOUS HOUSES 1520 to give 100 marks more to complete the building.* The king also gave ;^200 at this time.^' The abbey was surrendered in March, 1539,'" and the terms granted to the nuns were not dis- advantageous when compared with those given to others. To the abbess, Elizabeth Salvage, was assigned a life pension of £i.o a year, four nuns received life pensions of ^3 3^. 8^. each, ten £2 13;. ^d., nine £2., and a novice £1 6s. 8d. ; no provision appears to have been made for the six lay sisters.*^ Stow estimated the house to be worth j^4i8 8f. sd- per annum," but according to the /^a/or its income amounted to £2^^ 5*- ^o^d. gross, and ^^318 8/. 5^'. net.'* Its possessions included rents and ferms in London *' parishes : St. Mary-le-Bow,'^ Allhallows Thames Street," St. Michael Crooked Lane,'* St. Botolph with- out Aldgate," St. Magnus,^" St. Martin Vintry," St. Nicholas Shambles,'^ St. Andrew Undershaft ;" messuages and shops in Whitechapel," co. Mid- dlesex ; the manor of Appuldurcomb in the Isle of Wight ; the manor of Woodley, co. Berks. ; *° lands called 'Brekenox' in Cheshunt, co. Herts. ;^° messuages in Ringwould, co. Kent, and Marchington, co. Stafford ; the rectories and tithes of Hartington,*^' co. Derby, Potton, co. Beds.,** Kessingland and Framsden, co. Suffolk ; " Rec. of Corp. of Lend. Repert. v, fol. l^i>, 80. " L. art J P. Hen. nil, in, 1536. Henry may have had a kindly feeling for the nuns with whom his mother had friendly relations. Nicolas, Privy Purse Expenses of Eliz. of York, 8 and 57. '° Wriothesley, Chron. (Camd. Soc), i, 94. " Aug. Off. Bk. 233, fol. 227-31. " L. and P. Hen. Vlll, xiv (i), 680. " Stow, ^urv. ofLond. (ed. Strype), ii, 14. " Falor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), i, 398. "In 1532 the steward of the Minories accounted for ^^148 4/. lid. derived from rents in London. L. and P. Hen. VIII, m, 1663. <* Ibid. XV, 733 (33). " Ibid, xvi, p. 727. " Ibid, xviii (i), p. 554. " Ibid, xviii (I), 346 (54). "Ibid, xix (i), 1035 (6). " Ibid, xix (2), 340 (39). " Ibid, xix (2), 527 (6). " Ibid, xix (2), 527 (25). " Ibid. XV, p. 540. They were acquired by the nuns in 1480. Cal. of Pat. 1476-85, p. 65. " Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), i, 397. " L. and P. Hen. VIII, xv, 733 (64). " This was let at ferm in 1526 to George earl of Shrewsbury for £26 I 3/. 41/. a year. B.M. Chart. Toph. 19. " Given to them in 1394. ^^^- Chart. 19951. tithes in Wrestlingworth, co. Beds., and ' Quen- ton,' CO. Bucks.,*^^ and a pension from the church of Leake, co. Notts.,™ one of the earliest grants to the abbey, as it is mentioned in the Taxatio. Abbesses of the Minories Margaret, occurs 1294'^ Juliana, occurs 130 1 '^ Alice de Sherstede, occurs 1313'* Katharine de Ingham, occurs 1355'* Isabella de Lisle, occurs 1397 '* Eleanor Scrope, died 1398'* Margaret Helmystede, occurs 1400 Isabella of Gloucester, occurs 1421-2*° Margaret, occurs 1 441*' Joan Barton, occurs 1479*'^ ^""^ 1480*^ Alice Fitz Lewes, occurs 1 501 *' Dorothy Cumberford, occurs 1524,** 1526,*' and 1529** Elizabeth Salvage, surrendered the house 1539*' A seal used by Dorothy Cumberford, the abbess, in 1526,** is a pointed oval. It represents the Coronation of the Virgin, and in the base on the left the abbess kneeling in prayer under a carved arch. Another seal of the same abbess *' represents a female saint, full length, holding in her right hand a pair of pincers and in her left a book. Legend : — SIGILLVM ORd' MINORIS Vahr Eccl. (Rec. Com.), i, 397. Quenton is probably Quainton. '» Ibid. V, 166. " Pope Nlch. Tax. (Rec. Com.), 311. " Cal. of Pat. 1292-1301, p. 105. " Sharpe, Cal. of Wills, ii, 96. '* Cal. of Close, 1 301-13, p. 569. " Nicolas, Test. Vet. 57. " Arch. XV, 103, 106. " She is given as an abbess in Lansd. MS. 205, fol. 21. " Arch. XV, 104. '» Sharpe, Cal. of mils, ii, 382. ^ Fly, ' Some Account of an Abbey of Nuns,' Arch. XV, 105.

  • ' Sharpe, op. cit. ii, 496.

'■» Christie, Parish Clerks, 37.

  • ' Cal. of Pat. 1476-85, p. 227.

" L. and P. Hen. VIII, xvi, 107 (33). " Harl. Chart. 44, F. 36. ^ B.M. Chart. Toph. 19. ^ L. and P. Hen. VIII, xvi, 107 (33). " Ibid, xiv (i), 680. ^ B.M. Chart. Toph. 19. ^ Harl. Chart. 44. F. 36. 519