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A HISTORY OF LONDON hurst,' CO. Middlesex ; the manor of Fryern,"^ rents and ferms from Hatfield, ' Bradokes,' Rain- ham and Downham, which the master had held in 1326,"' and from Buraham, Aveley, and ' Shernwood ' Marsh, co. Essex ; the ferm of VVollaston, co. Northants, where the hospital had property in 1275 ;'* a rent in St. Albans, CO. Herts., and a small holding in co. Bucks. St. Bartholomew's also owned the church of Little VVakering, co. Essex, which had long been appropriated to it ; " the rectory of Hinton, CO. Somerset, and the patronage of the church of Holy Cross,*" an early foundation within its precincts. Among the possessions of the hospital in 1535 there is no mention of the manor of ' Stretle,' co. Cambridge, which had been given to the master and brothers in 1370 to pray for the good estate of Sir Walter Manny, knt., and to keep his anniversary after death.*^ Proctors and Masters of St. Bartholomew's Hospital Alfune«= Stephen ^' William, occurs 1222-3^ Hugh, occurs 1242-3 Bartholomew, occurs 1259*^ and 1261 *^ Adam de Rothingg, occurs 1308 *' Simon Dowel, elected 1321,*^ deposed 1322^ William de Actone, appointed 1322 William le Rouse, appointed 1323,'^ occurs 1324^' and 1336'^ '^ Morant, Hist, of Essex, i, 221. " Cal. of Pat. 1324-7, p. 270. Protection is granted to his servants carrying crops from his manors of Hatfield, Wakering, Rainham, and Downham. The hospital obtained some land in Downham and Rams- den Bellhouse in 1392. Ibid. 1391-6, p. 162. " Hund. R. (Rec. Com.), ii, lo. " Morant, op. cit. i, 307. «• Mun. GUdhrJI, Load, ii (l), 238. It figures in the list of London churches in 1303 given in the Liber Custum., but the entry is in a much later hand than the rest.

  • ' Chan. Inq. p.m. 43 Edw. Ill (2nd Nos.), 51.
  • ^ The first hospitaller or proctor. Cott. MS. Vesp.

B. ix, fol. 54.

  • ■ He occurs in the nvelfth century. Hist. MSS.

Com. Rep. ix, App. i, 22. " Hardy and Page, Cal. of Land, and Midd. Fines, 16. «' Hist. MSS. Com. Ref. ix, App. i, 18. He is here called proctor, but a certain Hugh, master of St. Bar- tholomew's, witnesses a deed of the early thirteenth century-. Ibid. 36. "^ Ibid. 19. " Bartholomew, master of St. Bartholomew's Hos- pital, made a grant to the Grey Friars then. Monum. Fraiicisc. (Rolls Ser.), i, 499. '^ Cal. of Close, 1307-13, p. 58.

  • ' Lond. Epis. Reg. Baldock and Gravesend, fol. 49.

'^ Ibid. fol. 50. " Ibid. "Ibid. fol. 55.

    • Cal. of Pat. 1321-4, p. 399.

^ Cal. of Close, 13 ^'3-7, p- 669. 1460," Laurence, occurs 1348 Stephen de Maydenheth ^^ Richard Sutton, occurs 1373, iTil^^^ resigned 1386 ^«  William Wakering, elected 1386,^' occurs 1390 ^** and 1392 ^"^ John Byry, died 1417^°' John Waker)'ng, occurs 1444-5,**'^ i463,i»'and 1464 '»«  William Knyght, occurs 1473,'"' ^^^^ '473 ^"^ Thomas Creveker, occurs 1509,^*" died I 5 10 " Robert Beyley, elected 15 10,"' died 1 5 16"* Richard Smith, LL.D., elected 15 16,"' died 1524 1" Alexander Collins, elected i';24, ^" died 1528 "«  Edward Staple, elected 152 1532 "8 John Brereton, LL.D., elected 1532,^^^ occurs 1534^'" William Turges, S.T.B., appointed 1544 ^" A seal of the twelfth century,^" oval in shape, represents St. Bartholomew with nimbus, lifting his right hand in benediction, and holding a long cross in his left. The saint is depicted half- length on the section of a church with round- headed arches, and two circular side-towers. Legend : — 1524, ^" resigned SIGILL CONVENTVS , DE ECC . . LVDON HOLO " Ibid. 1346-9, p. 542. ^ Doc. of D. and C. of St. Paul's, A. Box 25, No. 646. He was Sutton's predecessor. " Ibid. ^ Lond. Epis. Reg. Braybrook, fol. 282. =" Ibid. ""' Sharpe, Cal. of Wills, ii, 285. "" Cal. of Pat. 1 391-6, p. 162. "- Stow, op. cit. iii, 233. "" Hardy and Page, op. cit. 1 94. '°* An indenture between him and Thomas Bur- goyne relating to the manor of Ducketts is given in Harl. MS. 433, fol. 296, but it is undated. Lysons, however, s.ays the grant took place in 1 460, Ent'ir. of Lond. iii, 50. "" Stow, op. cit. iii, 232. '°« Cal. of Pat. 1 46 1 -7, p. 323. ""Add. Chart. 15629. 108 Weever, Fun. Monum. 435. "" Anct. D. (P.R.O.), B. 2133. "" Lond. Epis. Reg. Fitz James, fol. 15. '" Ibid. fol. 66. '" Ibid. '" Ibid. fol. 66- 80. "^ Ibid. fol. 87. Staple was bishop of Meath, in commendam. L. and P. '" Ibid. Tunstall, fol. "' Ibid. fol. 80-86. "' Ibid. fol. 87-101. and held the hospital Hen. Vlll,v, 137° (i 3)- "** Lond. Epis. Reg. Stokesley, fol. 91. "' Ibid. fol. 91-2. '^ L. and P. Hen. VIII, vii, 92 1. He was the last master of the original foundation. Ibid, xix (l), 812 (80). "' Ibid. "= B.M. Seals, Ixviii, 22. 524