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A HISTORY OF LONDON John Preston, clerk, appointed 1508,'^* occuis 1509^'* George de Athequa, occurs 1527 ^'^ Gilbert Latham, M.A., appointed 1536,'" occurs 1541 ^^^ Sir Thomas Seymour, kt., appointed 1547 ^^ Sir Francis Fleming, kt., appointed 1549^^ Dr. Francis Mallett, dean of Lincoln, appointed 1554,"^ surrendered 1560^^ Sir Edward Warner, kt., appointed 1560 "' Thomas Wilson, LL.D., appointed 1560,^^ died 1581 "* David Lewys, LL.D., appointed 1581"^ Ralph Rookeby, appointed 1587,"' occurs 1595 143 Sir Julius Caesar, appointed 1596,"' died 1636 "0 Sir Robert Ayton, kt., appointed 1636,'" died 1 640 '" or before Dr. Coxe, appointed 1653 "' Geortje Montagu, occurs c. 1665,^'* died 1681"* William, Lord Brouncker, Viscount of Castle Lyons, appointed 1681,"^ died 1684"' •" Or occurs at this date. Ducarel, op. cit. 83. L.andP. Hen. Fill, i, 121. "* He was bishop of LlandafF. Ducarel, op. cit. 83. "' Ibid. The king granted him livery of the lands of the hospital 20 March, I 537 (I. and P. Hen. Fill, xii (i), 795 (45)), so that the appointment may have been made in 1537. "^ Add. Chart. 24491. '" Ducarel, op. cit. 84. "» Lansd. MS. 171, fol. 236. '" Ducarel, op. cit. 84. Apparently Fleming did not make a formal surrender of his post before 1557. '•-' Cal. ofS.P. Dom. 1547-80, p. 150. '" Ibid. He was lieutenant of the Tower. '" Stowe MS. 796, fol. 47. As he was not a priest he found it necessary to obtain a new patent in 1563. Ibid. ^*^ Diet. Nat. Biog.x, III. '** He was a judge of the High Court of Admiralty. Stowe MS. 796, fol. 97. '" He was one of the masters of the Court of Requests. Ibid. "' Cal. of MSS. of the Marquis of SaMury, pt. 5, 347- "' Stowe MS. 796, fol. 47. He had obtained in 1 591 a grant in reversion of the post which became vacant in 1596. Diet. Nat. Biog. viii, 205. '" Ibid. '" Dugdale, Moa. Angl. vi, 695. "' Cal. ofS.P. Dom. 1640, p. 283. '" He W.-1S put in by the Parliament. Stowe MS. 796, fol. 48. But in the CaL of S.P. Dom. 1658-9, p. 379, it hardly seems as if he were master in 1659, for ' Fleetwood, Vane, and Jones are to consider Dr. Cox in reference to the government of Catherine's hospital.' '** Cal. of S.P. Dom. 1665-6, p. 146. Ducarel says that the Hon. Walter Montagu was made master in 1660, and was succeeded on his death in 1670 by his brother Henry, and then by his stepbrother George. The author of the Stowe MS. 796 gives Henry Montagu as master in 1660, adding that Henry seems to have been a mistake for George. '" Stowe, MS. 796, fol. 48. '« Ibid. "' Ibid. Sir James Butler, appointed 1684,^^' removed Louis de Duras, earl of Faversham, appointed 1698, died i709^« Sir Henry Nelson, kt., LL.D., appointed 1709, died 1715 ^^^ William Farrar, appointed 1715, died 1737 '^^ Hon. George Berkley, appointed 1738, died i746>" Edmund Waller, jun., appointed 1747 *** Hon. Stephen Digby, appointed 1786^*' Major William Price, appointed 1800 "* Colonel Edward Disbrowe, appointed 1816'^ R-Iaj.-Gen. Sir Herbert Taylor, K.G.H., appointed 181 8 "* Rev. A. L. B. Piele, occurs 1904'^*' A seal of the sixteenth century,'^' pointed oval and cabled borders, represents St. Catherine standing on a carved corbel, slightly turned to the left, holding in her right hand a wheel, in her left hand a book. Legend : — S. HOSPITALIS : SCTE TVRRI


LONDO. IVXTA A later seal,"" pointed oval, with carved borders, bears a full length representation of St. Catherine, with nimbus ; the saint holds in her right hand a wheel, in the left a book. At her feet is a flower. A space has been left for the legend, but not filled up. The royal seal, ' ad causas ecclesiasticas,' is a pointed oval, and shows an ornamental shield of the royal arms of Edward VL Over it a crown with royal supporters. On a corbel an en- tablature in base, the inscription, sca katerina IVXTA . TVR IN LONDON ' s' REGIAE MAIESTATS AD CAVSAS ECCLESICS. 22. THE HOSPITAL OF ST. MARY WITHOUT BISHOPSGATE The priory or hospital of St. Mary without Bishopsgate was founded on the east side of Bis- hopsgate Street ' by Walter Brown,' a London citizen, and Rose his wife, on ground demised to them for that purpose by Walter son of Eildred, •" Ibid. '" Ibid. '" Ibid. '*' Ibid. He was chancellor of London and judge of the High Court of Admiralty. '«> Ibid. Dugdale, Mon.Angl. vi, 695. Ibid. ■•^ Ibid. ^^ Ibid. '^ Ibid. '« Ibid. He was vice-chamberlain to the queen. '^ St. PauPs Ecel. Soe. Trans, v, p. xxxvii, n. I. '«' B.M. Seals, Ixviii, 49. ""Ibid. 50. '"Ibid. 48. ' The high road is mentioned as the western boundary in Walter's charter, printed in Dugdale, Mon. Angl. vi, 623. ' Ibid. 530