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RELIGIOUS HOUSES being of less yearly value than ^^200. There is no account of what happened to the blind and sick poor in the hospital, but as the sisters ^^ who had had the care of them had a house in the close '^ assigned to them, it is possible that they were not turned adrift. Roger Poten was made king's chaplain, and in 1536 he was given the rectories of the parish churches of St. Mary Aldermanbury, London,^* and of St. Margaret's, Stanstead Thele, for Iife.'= The gross income of the priory in 1535 was j^239 135. ii^d., net income £1^2 i 5J. 6i^. The lands and tenements from which this was derived lay for the most part in London parishes, St. Mary Aldermanbury,^' St. Alphage (Philip Lane),^' St. Lawrence Old Jewry, St. Mary le Bow (Hosier Lane '^ and Bow Lane "), St. Mar- tin Ironmonger Lane,^' St. Michael Bassishaw, Allhallows the Great,*^ St. Vedast (Old Change),"' St. Sepulchre,*" St. Giles without Cripplegate, St. Michael Paternoster Royal, St. Botolph with- out Bishopsgate,"* Allhallows Honey Lane,"° St. Dunstan and Allhallows Barking ; "' to these must be added property in Hendon, co. Middlesex, the manor of Bury or Bowers Gifford and rent in Chelmsford, co. Essex, and rents in Thele, Amwell, Hoddesdon, and Stanstead Abbots, co. Herts. The priory held the churches already mentioned of St. Mary Aldermanbury"* and Thele."9 " L. and P. Hen. Fill, x, 1238. In 'The Grey Friars' Chronicle ' (Monum. Francisc. [Rolls Ser.], ii, 194) there is an entry that 11 May 22 Hen. VIII, i.e. 1530, 'the challons of Esyngspittylle was put owte,' but it is clearly a mistake, for according to the Valor the prior and convent were in possession in 1535- " Sharpe, Cal. of Wills. The sisters are mentioned in a will of 1372. »' L. and P. Hen. VIII, xv, 612 (7). '" Ibid, xiii (i), 574. "Aug. Off. Bk. 232, fol. 43. The grant is not dated, but it appears to be 1537, as it follows one of that date. See also L. and P. Hen. Fill, xiv (1), 4°3 (70)- '« Valor Eal. (Rec. Com.), i, 389. " L. and P. Hen. VIII, xii (2), 41 1 (l). " Ibid. XV, 733 (42). "Ibid, xii (2), 1311 (25).

  • " Ibid, xiv (l), 1355.

" Ibid, xvi, 715. " Ibid, xviii (l), 623 (43). " Ibid, xviii (2), 529 (10). " Ibid, xix (l), 1035 (6).

  • ' Ibid, xix (2), 340 (59).
  • " Ibid, xiii (i), p. 583.

"' Dugdale, Mon. Angl. vi, 708, where an abstract of a roll 28 Hen. VIII in Augmentation Office is printed. Thomas Depden had bequeathed to the priory in 1440 a messuage called 'le Shippe on the hoop,' in the parish of Allhallows Barking. Sharpe, Cal. of Wills, &c. ii, 502. " Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), i, 389. •' L. and P. Hen. VIII, xiv (i), 403 (70). Warden of the Hospital of St. Mary John de Cataloigne,^ 1331 Priors of the Hospital of St. Mary William Elsyng .? " John de Wyndelesore, occurs 1353 '^ Robert Draycote, occurs 1377,^' 1387,°* 1 40 1," and 1406*" John Dally, resigned 1427 " Henry Hoddesdon, elected 1427,'* occurs 1431,*' resigned 1438*" John Bell, elected 1438" William Sayer, installed 1454,*^ occurs 1461 '^ William Bowland, occurs 1496 *" John Wannel, resigned 1532 *' Roger Poten or Pottyn, elected 1532,^' occurs 1533 ;" was prior when the house was suppressed ** The seal of the hospital used in the fourteenth century *' is in shape a pointed oval, and repre- sents the Virgin standing in a carved and canopied niche, with a smaller niche containing a geometri- cal window overhead ; she wears a crown, and holds on the left arm the Child, in the right hand a flowering branch. The field is diapered lozengy, with small quatrefoil in each space. At each side there is a shield of arms : to the left Our Lord on the Cross, Elsyng, founder ; right, England. In the base, under a carved round-headed arch, the prior kneels in prayer to the left, with the words of his prayer in two lines on the pediment or string-course above the arch : exora : natv : j> me : pia : virgo : BEATVM. Legend : — . . . COMMVNE : HOSPITALIS : BEATE : MARIE : infra : CREPELGATE : LONDON : '" Cott. Chart. V, 2, printed in Dugdale, Mon. Jngl. vi, 705. ^' Stowe, Surv. of Lond. iii, 73, says he was the first prior, but it appears more than doubtful, as in 1348 he is still called mercer, and not prior, Cal. of Pat. 1348-50, p. 186, and probably did not live much longer, for he made his will in that year. Sharpe, Cal. of Wills, I, 562. He was called warden in 1 330-1, but it must have been in the sense of guardian. Ibid, i, 362. " Sharpe, Cal of Letter Bk. G, 16. " Sharpe, Cal of Wills, Sec. ii, 201. " Cal of Pat. 1385-9, p. 337. '^ Harl. Chart. 44 D, 36. " Ibid. 82 C, 42. " Lond. Epis. Reg. Braybrook, fol. 205.

  • Ibid.

'" Ibid. Gilbert, fol. 192. «" Ibid. fol. III. " Ibid. ; Cott. Chart, xiii, 10. " Cott. Chart, xi, 68. «' Ibid.

  • " Stowe, Surz'. of Lond. iii, 73.

" Lond. Epis. Reg. Stokesley, fol. 57.

    • Ibid. " Cott. Chart, xi, 2.

•" L. and P. Hen. VIII, xiii (i), p. 574.

  • ' B.M. Seals, Ixviii, 54.

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