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INSECTS Tortrix viburnana, Sch. St. Faiths, Wootton. Lynn ; on boggy heaths — icterana, Frol. Merton, Aldeby, Hingham Wootton, Cromer, Lynn, local Dichelia grotiana, Fab. Merton, Brandon Deopham, Hingham, Lynn Leptogramma literana, Linn. Merton, Denton, Cawston, Lynn ; scarce Peronea sponsana, Fab. Merton, Hingham Norwich ; among beech — rufana, Sch. Taken at North Wootton by Mr. Atmore — mixtana, Hb. Merton, Honford, Lynn ; on heaths — schalleriana, Linn. Common among sallow in fens and marshes — comparana, Hb. Ketteringham, Ranworth ; not common — perplexana, Bar. Lynn, Ranworth — comariana, Z. Merton, Lynn, Ranworth, St. Faiths — cristana, Sch. Merton, Cawston ; scarce — hastiana, Linn. Widely distributed, among sallow — lorquiniana, Dup. Ranworth ; taken in 1878 by Dr. Wheeler and Mr. W. H. B. Fletcher ; previously not known nearer than the Cambridgeshire fens — ferrugana, Sch. Norwich, Merton ; not common — tristana, Hub. Denton ; taken by the Rev. C. T. Cruttwell — aspersana, Hb. Common in fens and marshes — shepherdana, Steph. Norwich, Sur ling- ham, Merton, Ranworth, Horning ; in fens and local, but sometimes abundant Teras caudana. Fab. Common in the fens Dictyopteryx holmiana, Linn. Generally common among hawthorn — forskaleana, Linn. Widely distributed among maple Ditula semifasciana. Haw. Merton, Ranworth, Horning, Wootton ; not common Penthina picana, Frol. Merton, Cawston, Costessey, Horning, the Lynn district — betuletana. Haw. Widely distributed among birch — capreana, Hb. Found near Lynn by Mr. Atmore — praslongana, Gn. Merton, Lynn ; scarce — ochroleucana, Hb. Norwich, Kettering- ham, Cawston, Horning, Croxton, Mint- lyn ; not common — sellana, Hb. Croxton, Swaffham ; very local — marginana. Haw. St. Faiths Bogs, Mer- ton, Cawston, Ranworth ; very local — carbonana, Dbld. Recorded by the older writers. Taken at Lynn by Mr. Atmore Antithesia salicella, Linn. Merton, Croxton, Clenchwarton, Hingham Spilonota lariciana, Z. Norwich, Lynn ; local — aceriana, Mann. Norwich, Tarmouth, Denton, Lynn ; common — neglectana, Dup. Norwich, Denton ; local — rosascolana, Dbld. Norwich, Cawston, Lynn ; in gardens feeding on rose-buds Sericoris bifasciana, Haw. Norwich, Merton, Thetford, Denton, Croxton, Lynn ; among Scotch fir — fuligana. Haw. Lynn, larvae found feed- ing on Carduus arvensis — doubledayana. Bar. Ranworth, Horning; discovered in these fens, and sometimes found there in plenty ; hardly known elsewhere — littorana. Curt. Salt marshes on the coast beyond Lynn — cespitana, Hb. Tarmouth, Merton, Bran- don, Swaffham — conchana, Hb. Norwich, Surlingham, Merton, Ranworth — micana, Hb. Merton, Croxton, Hingham, Horning, Ranworth, Lynn ; local Mixodia rubiginosana, H.S. Lynn, Thetford, Shouldham ; usually a Scottish species — palustrana, Linn. Taken once near Lynn by Mr. Atmore — ratzeburghiana, Sax. Merton, Lynn ; among fir. Lord Walsingham finds the larva commonly on Abies smithiana Euchromia purpurana, Haw. Denton, Hun- stanton ; scarce Orthotaenia antiquana, Hb. Wormegay, Car- brooke, Mintlyn, Cawston ; not common — striana, Sch. Norwich, Tarmouth, Lynn ; not scarce — ericetana, Bent. Norwich, Merton, near Lynn ; not rare Eriopsela fractifasciana. Haw. Merton, Swaff- ham; very local Phtheochroa rugosana, Hb. Norwich, Mer- ton, Lynn Cnephasia lepidana, Curt. 5/. Faiths, Merton, Lynn ; on heaths Sciaphila nubilana, Hb. Norwich, Merton, Denton, Lynn ; common — pascuana, Hb. Castle Rising, Lynn ; local — alternana, Sch. Norwich ; very local Sphaleroptera ictericana. Haw. Tarmouth Denes, common Clepsis rusticana, Tr. Merton, Horning, Ranworth, Lynn ; in fens and on boggy heaths Bactra furfurana, Haw. Taken at Walsoken by Mr. A. Balding Phoxopteryx siculana, Hb. Cawston, Hingham, Ranworth, North Wootton ; in wet woods 155