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INSECTS Stigmonota internana, Gn. Norwich, Merton^ Lynn ; locally abundant — composana, Fab. Norwich, Merton, Ran- worth ; among clover — regiana, Z. Norwich, Merton, Cawston, Lynn, Holt ; local — roseticolana, Z. Norwich, Merton, Swaff- ham, Lynn, Ringland, St. Faiths ; among wild rose Dicrorampha politana, Sch. Norwich, Seething, Merton, Cringleford, St. Faiths ; locally abundant Taken near Lynn by Mr. — alpinana, Tr. Atmore sequana, Hb. Norwich, Merton, Denton ; Merton, Lynn Merton, Brandon ; very local — saturnana, Gn, — plumbagana, Tr. locally abundant — simpliciana, Haw. Norwich, Merton, St. Faiths ; among mugwort — acuminatana, Z. Merton, Gayton ; local — consortana, Steph. Merton ; scarce Pyrodes rhediella, Linn. Norwich, Merton, Lynn ; common Catoptria albersana, Hb. Merton, Lynn, scarce — Juliana, Curt. Norwich, Merton, Cawston, Horning, Wootton — microgrammana, Gn. Yarmouth Denes ; scarce — conterminana, H.S. Hingham ; scarce — fulvana, Steph. Norwich, Merton, Denton, Croxton, Brandon, Swaffham ; locally common — expallidana, Haw. Norwich, Yarmouth, Denton, Lynn ; rare — candidulana, Nik. Lynn, in salt marshes, among Artemisia maritima ; excessively local — citrana, Hb. Norwich, Merton, Croxton, Brandon, Swaffham ; rather common in the ' Breck ' district Trycheris mediana, Sch. Denton, Horning, Lynn ; very local Lobesia permixtana, Hb. (reliquana, Stn.) Mer- ton, St. Faiths, Wormegay, Wootton ; not common Eupcecilia nana, Haw. Costessey, Horsford, Merton, Croxton, Lynn ; among birch — sodaliana, Haw. (amandana, H.S.). Taken near Swaffham by Mr. Atmore — dubitana, Hb. Croxton, Gaywood, Lynn Docks, among Crepis tectorum — pallidana, Z. Yarmouth Denes, Middleton near Lynn ; scarce — atricapitana, Steph. Norwich, St. Faiths, Merton, Brandon, Wormegay, Lynn ; among ragwort — maculosana, Haw. Norivich ; scarce Eupcecilia hybridella, Hb. Hingham ; scarce — vectisana, West. Hunstanton ; common in salt marshes — affinitana, Dougl. Lynn, Hunstanton ; in salt marshes — udana, Gn. Merton, Horning, Ranworth ; in fens, scarce — manniana, F.R. Once taken near Lynn by Mr. Atmore ; a very rare species — geyeriana, H.S. Brundall, Ranworth, Lynn ; in fens and marshes among Pedicularis palustris — notulana, Z. Also in fens, among Mentha, but not common — rupicola. Curt. Merton, Lynn ; among Eupatorium cannabinum — degreyana, McL. Norwich, Merton, Brandon, Croxton, Denton, Lynn ; dis- covered by Lord Walsingham in Nor- folk and named in his honour ; reared by him from Plantago lanceolata, and by Mr. Atmore from Linaria vulgaris — ciliella, Hub. Merton, St. Faiths Bogs ; in the latter locality is a remarkable local race of this species — erigerana, Wlsm. Norwich, Merton, Brandon, Croxton, Swaffham, near Lynn ; rather plentiful on the ' Breck- sand ' among Erigeron acre. This species was long mistaken for E. an- themidana. Curt. Xanthosetia zoegana, Linn. Generally dis- tributed ; its pretty var. ferrugana is taken occasionally — inopiana. Haw. Lynn district ; among Inula dysenterica Chrosis tesserana, Sch. Yarmouth, Merton, Brandon, Ringland ; very local Argyrolepia baumanniana, Sch. Hingham, Ketteringham ; scarce — subbaumanniana, Wlk. Norwich, Mer- ton, Ashill, Croxton, Swaffham ; local, but sometimes common in old chalk- pits — badiana, Hb. Merton, Brandon, Lynn district, Denton ; scarce — cnicana, Dbld. Croxton, Wootton, Caws- ton, Ranworth ; among thistles Conchylis francillonana. Fab. Taken near Swaffham by Mr. Atmore — smeathmanniana. Fab. Merton, Cawston ; scarce Aphelia pratana, Hb. Thetford, Horning ; local in this county Tortricodes hyemana, Hb. Merton, Croxton ; in oak woods Choreutis scintillulana, Hb. Norwich, Mer- ton, Wormegay, Holme-next-the-Sea ; among Scutellaria galericulata in marshes 157