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A HISTORY OF SUFFOLK lithic deposits. Thus they are found in the later deposits of the well-known caves of Mentone, which are believed to belong to a civilization following the Mousterian described in the first part of this article. And they have been met with in large numbers in certain caves in central France, the deposits of which belong to one phase of the great Magdalenian Age ; in both these cases being associated w^ith the remains of extinct animals. As with many other branches of prehistoric archaeology much remains to be found out about these ' midgets,' whether palaeolithic or neolithic. Thus far their discovery has added one more to the many fascinating problems attaching to the study of the great science of the evolution of the civilization of mankind. Topographical List of the Palaeolithic and Neolithic Localities IN Suffolk (Where references are not given, the discovery has been made by the compiler of this list, or the information has been communicated to him privately. For valuable assistance in making the list as complete as possible, he is especially indebted to Dr. W. Allen Sturge, Dr. J. S. Holden, the Rev. J. D. Gray, and Messrs. F. J. Bennett, W. G. Clarke, A. E. W. Baker, and E. R. H. Hancox.) Acton. — Palaeolithic implements have been found here by Mr. F. J. Bennett, the Rev. J. D. Gray, and Dr. J. S. Holden. Aldeburgh. — Neolithic scrapers, flakes, &c., occur on the Golf Links ; also below high water in the bed of the Aide. Alderton. — Neolithic polished stone celt [Evans, Stone Imp. (and ed.), 102]. AsHBY. — Neolithic flakes and implements occur in fields west of the church. AsPALL. — Neolithic scrapers. Badingham. — Neolithic scrapers and flakes. Bardwell. — Neolithic perforated felstone celt [Evans, Stone Imp. (2nd ed.), 192]. Barking. — Neolithic scrapers. Barney. — Neolithic implements of rude types. Barnham St. Gregory. — Palaeolithic implements _Geol. of Cambs. and Suff. 80]. Two neolithic polished stone celts [Trans. Norf. and Norw. Nat, Soc. viii, 29] ; ground fabricator [ibid. 30] ; fire-marked flints, bones, and pebbles [ibid. 27]. Polished axe [Field Club^ iv, 165]. Neolith c arrow-heads, scrapers, flakes, &c., in Cambridge Museum of Archaeology. Barrow. — Neolithic limestone disc [Evans, Stone Imp. 439]. Neolithic arrow-heads. Barsham. — Neolithic scrapers, &c. [IVaveney Valley in the Stone Age, 18]. Barton Mills. — Palaeolithic implements Geol. of Cambs. and Suff. 78 ; Proc. Norw. Geol. Soc. i, 164]. Palaeolithic implements from here are in the Cambridge Museum of Archaeology. Neolithic arrow-head [Evans, Stone Imp. 390]. Other arrow-heads have been found. Bawdsey. — Palaeolithic implements [Proc. Norw. Geol. Soc. i, 164]. Neolithic quartzite hammer with natural hole artificially smoothed. Neolithic scrapers. Baylham. — Neolithic implements [Proc. 5«^ Inst. Arch, vii, 209-11]. Partly ground axe and chisel ground at both ends. Bealings, Great. — Neolithic polished flint celts, perforated hammer, flint cores, and scrapers. Beccles. — Polished stone axe [Norw. Mus.]. Neolithic scrapers, &c. [Thetford Mech. Inst.]. Beck Row. — See Mildenhall. Belton. — Neolithic flint knives, scrapers, and flakes [IVaveney Valley in the Stone Age, 18, 19]; Neolithic 'button' scrapers [ibid. 38]. Polished stone axes [Norw. Mus. Proc. Suff. Inst. Arch, xi (3), 2 ; Norf, Arch. Iv, 312]. Benhall. — Mr. J. Chambers, of this parish, has a neolithic ground celt of basalt, found on Benhall Green. Bergholt, East. — There is a pointed palaeolithic implement labelled ' East Bergholt ' in Col- chester Museum. Blundeston. — Neolithic curved knife [tVaveney Valley in the Stone Age, 19]. Neolithic scrapers, flakes, &c. Blythbcrgh. — Neolithic scrapers and choppers. Botesdale. — Neolithic polished celt [Evans, Stone Imp. 100]. Flat-sided polished, flint celt [ibid. no]. 2i;6