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A HISTORY OF SUFFOLK In Benehala [Benhall] Edric a freeman held 8 acres worth 2s. This is in demesne. In Gliemham [Glemham] a freeman under commendation (held) 5 acres, worth 12 pence. And (this) Norman holds of Roger. The soke (is) the Abbot's. fol. 346. VIII. LANDS OF ROGER OF POICTOU HUNDRET OF CaRLEFORDA [CaRLFORD] In CuLFOLE [Culpho] Brihtric, a freeman under St. Etheldreda, T.R.E. held 80 acres of land as a manor. Then as now 10 bordars, and then 4 serfs. Then on the demesne 2 ploughs, now 3. Then 2 ploughs belonging to the men, now I. 4 acres of meadow. Then 2 rounceys, now I. Then 7 beasts, now 2. Then 36 swine, now 15. Then 100 sheep, now 60. Then it was worth 20s., now 30^. In Grundesburc [Grundisburgh] a freeman under Saint Etheldreda Brihtnoth (held) 60 acres as a manor. Then as now 3 bordars. Then i plough, now none, and half a plough belonging to the men. I acre of meadow. Then as now it was worth 15J. In CoLFOL [Culpho] moreover Godric, a free- man under Harold, T.R.E. held 40 acres of land as a manor, and 3 bordars. Then i plough, now none. 2 acres of meadow. Then as now it was worth 10;. In Tedenham [Tuddenham] Lihtwin, a freeman under Halden, the predecessor of Geoffrey de Magnavilla, held 30 acres and 2 bordars. Then i plough, now none, 3 acres of meadow, worth 10;. In the same (vill) Godere, a freeman under Saint Etheldreda, T.R.E. held 68 acres '^ of land as a manor. Then 3 bordars, now none. Then 2 ploughs, now half a plough. 4 acres of meadow. Then as now it was worth 2$s. Moreover in the same (vill) 12 freemen under commendation to Saint Etheldreda T.R.E. held 50 acres of land and 2 bordars. Then 3 ploughs, now 2. 4 acres of meadow. Then it was worth 20J., now 15^. In CuLFOLA [Culpho] 5 freemen'*" under commendation to St. Etheldreda T.R.E. (held) 21 acres. Then I plough, now half a plough. Half an acre of meadow. Then it was worth js., now 51, I church (having) 10 acres, worth 20i. In Grundesburch [Grundisburgh] 7 free- men under commendation to Saint Etheldreda '" '80 acres' ; Inf. EI. 149. "" ' 4 freemen ' ; ibid. T.R.E. (held) 20 acres i<* of land. Then 1 plough, now half a plough. Then it was worth 4J., now 5J. In the same (vill) a freeman Siric, King Edward's man, (held) i^ acres, and a freeman fol. 346^. under commendation to Brihtric (held) 4 acres of land ; and 2 freemen, Aluric and Brihtman, under commendation to Ailric de Burch, (held) 14 acres, and then among them i plough, now none. Worth 10;. In the same (vill) 2 freemen, i under com- mendation to Saint Etheldreda, and the other under commendation to Halden, (held) 60 acres and 6 bordars. Then as now 2 ploughs. 2 acres of meadow. Then it was worth 12s., now los. In the same (vill) Roger holds of Roger of Poictou a freeman '"' (who was) under Saint Etheldreda T.R.E. (with) 40 acres and i bordar. Then i plough, 2 acres of meadow. Then it was worth lo;., now 8s. In Cloptuna [Clopton] a freeman Uluric, under commendation to Harold, T.R.E. held I carucate and 22 acres of land as a manor. Then as now i villein, 6 bordars, and i serf, and on the demesne 2 ploughs. 4 acres of meadow. Then i plough, belonging to the men, now none. Then I rouncey, and now 4 beasts and 80 sheep. Then it was worth 40J., now 2 IS. It is I league long and half a league broad, and (pays) i^d. in geld. And this Roger holds in demesne. In the same (vill) a freeman under com- mendation to the above Uluric T.R.E. held l^ acres, worth ^d. Roger son of Ernald holds this. In Haschetuna [Hasketon] Alwin, a free- man'"' under Saint Etheldreda, T.R.E. held 40 acres as a manor. Then and now i plough, I acre of meadow. Then it was worth ioj., now 6s. This Alwin could not sell or give his land away from the Church of Ely. In the same (vill) 7 freemen under commenda- tion to Saint Etheldreda (held) 16 acres. Then as now half a plough. Worth 31. Moreover in the same (vill were) 2 freemen under half commendation to Edric, the prede- cessor of Robert Malet, and i freeman under commendation to one who was himself under commendation to Edric, and i under commenda- tion to Brun, with 12 acres, worth 21."" In the same (vill) a freeman"" imder com- "*' 30 acres ' ; Inj. El. 149. '" ' A freeman Brixnod ' ; ibid. "* 'A sokeman' ; ibid. 150. ^'^ Inq. El. (p. 150) enters: 'A freeman, Brun, under commendation to St. Etheldreda with 6 acres, worth I2</.' "" ' A freeman Grimold ' ; ibid. 482