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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS now 3 ploughs and 2 acres of meadow. Wood- (land) for 3 swine. And a freeman holds 3 acres, worth i>d. These belong to the Saint with sac and soke and commendation ; nor could they ever give or sell their lands without the Abbot's licence. A church with 20 acres. This manor was then worth 4//. and ioj., and now 12//'. and s. It is I league and 9 furlongs long, and I league broad. And (pays) in geld i$d. Others hold land therein. In Weibrade [Weybread] Saint Edmund has 30 acres. And 2 villeins. And i plough. And 3 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for lO swine. Worth los. CORSFORDK [CoSFORd] HaLF HuNDRET T.R.E. Saint Edmund held Seamera [Semer] as a manor. Therein are 3J carucates of land, and II acres of meadow. 6 villeins, 13 bordars, 1 serf. Then as now 3 ploughs on the demesne. And 2 ploughs belonging to the men. i mill. 2 rounceys, 16 beasts, 24 swine, 97 sheep. Then it was worth 5//., now 6//'. In the same (vill) is a church with 30 acres of land, and i acre of meadow. Then as now i plough belonging to the church. This vill is 9 furlongs long, and 7 broad. And pays 2^d. in geld. But others have holdings there. Cerleswrda [Chelsworth] T.R.E. Saint Ed- mund held as a manor, then as now 3^ carucates of land. 8 villeins, 10 bordars, and 4 serfs. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne, and 4 (ploughs) belonging to the men, and now the like. 1 2 acres of meadow. Then and now (and) then as now I mill. Then as now 2 rounceys. Then 10 beasts, now 9. Then 16 swine, now 20. Then 30 sheep, now 60. This manor was then worth 4//., now 5//. It is 7 furlongs long, 6 broad. A church with 30 acres of land and i acre of meadow. And it pays 3f(/. in geld. In Lafham [Layham] Saint Edmund T.R.E. held 26 freemen, and they had 2 carucates of land, and 6 acres of meadow. 2 bordars. And then they ploughed with 6 ploughs, now with 4. And they might give or sell their land. But Saint Edmund had soke and sac and com- mendation and all customs except in one case. Then their land was worth 30J., now 40J. And Berard holds half a carucate of land, and i plough. Worth 22i. (included) in the same value. It is 6 furlongs long, 4 broad. And pays i^d. in geld. But others have holdings there. fol. 369. In Watefelda [Whatfield] T.R.E. Saint Edmund held 1 8 freemen and they had 2^ carucates of land, 7 acres of meadow. 6 bordars. Then they ploughed with 4 ploughs, and now (like- wise). Then it was worth 40;., now 50J. And of this land the said Berard holds I carucate of land, and 3 freemen, and I plough. Worth 20y. (included) in the same value. Saint Edmund had commendation and soke and sac. It was then 6 furlongs long, and 5 broad. And (paid) 5^, in geld. But others have holdings there. In the ferding of Ealdham [Aldham] T.R.E. Saint Edmund held 6 freemen and in the other Watefelda [Whatfield] 10. And they had i^ carucates of land. They then as now ploughed with 6 ploughs. 4 bordars. And 6 acres of meadow. And they could give and sell their land. But both soke and commendation and all customs belonged to the Saint (Edmund). Their land was worth 301. then, now 40J. And (pays) 5<f. in geld. And of this land Berard holds 40 acres. And i plough. Worth ioj. (included) in the same value. These two vills are 6 fur- longs long, and 3 broad, and pay bd. in geld. But others have holdings there. In the same (vill) is a church with 2 acres of land. In Blalsega [Lindsey "'] T.R.E. Saint Ed- mund held 20 freemen, and they had i^ caru- cates of land, 16 bordars, and 2 serfs. They then as now ploughed with 5 ploughs, and T.R.E. they could give or sell their land, but Saint Edmund had soke and commendation and all customs. Then it was worth 20J., now 30J. It is 6 furlongs long, and 5 broad, whoever may be the tenant there. A church with 10 acres of land. And (it pays] bd. in geld. In Manetuna [Manton ^J and in Kitel- beornastuna [Kettlebaston] T.R.E. Saint Ed- mund held 4 freemen and they had 2 carucates of land, and 6 acres of meadow, and 8 bordars, (and) 3 serfs. They then as now ploughed with 3 ploughs, and could give and sell their land. Saint Edmund had soke and commendation and all customs. Then as now it was worth 6oi. Of this land Gamas (holds) I carucate of land, 2 ploughs on the demesne, and Humphrey i caru- cate. Worth 40i. (included) in the same value. Their land is 6 furlongs long, and 4 broad. And (pays) 3^. in geld. But others have holdings there. In Bretenhama [Brettenham] and Rescebroc [ ] and in Torpa [Thorp (Morieux)j T.R.E. Saint Edmund held 14 freemen, and they had then as now 2^ carucates (of land). 8 acres of meadow, 7 bordars. They then ploughed with 5 ploughs, now with 2. Over them Saint Edmund has soke and sac and commendation, fol. 369*. and all customs. 30J. Then it was worth 501., now '" Formerly ' Lelleseye ' ; see Cal. Chart. B.M. "* Manton in Hitcham ; Copinger, Suffl Rec. 505 64