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INSECTS McLach., are recorded from Addington and Leith Hill, but these species are always confused and their distinction is doubtful. H. subnebulosus, Steph., so frequently found amongst fruit trees, is distributed over the county, and H. nervosus, Fabr., appears chiefly to frequent birch ; it occurs on Esher Common (Lucas). H. concinnus, Steph., the largest of the group, is recorded from Addington (Wormald), and is common at Oxshott Common and Ockham Common. The three species of Conio- pteryx C. aleyrodiformis, Steph., C. psociformis, Curt., and C. tineiformis, Curt. occur freely, but are much overlooked. Cbrysopa Jlava, Scop., has occurred at Leatherhead, and probably throughout the county, but is always with the abundant C. vittata, Wesm. C. alba, Linn., occurs in the Esher Woods ; C. Jtavifrons, Brau., at Box Hill, Weybridge and Merrow Downs ; C. tenella, Schr., at Leatherhead, Ockham, Weybridge and Esher. C. vu/garis, Schr., and its winter condition, carnea, Steph., are commonly distributed. C. septempunctata, Wesm., the ill-savoured stink-fly, is also generally distributed. C. aspersa, Wesm., is in profusion on Ockham Common and generally common in the county. C. ventra/is, Curt., occurs sparingly at Weybridge and Ockham Common, but is frequent on Bookham Common. C. pbyllocbroma, Wesm., is not rare in the neighbourhood of Newark Abbey and has been taken near Byfleet. C. perla, Linn., generally common, is particularly so at Byfleet. C. dor- sa/is, Burm., was recognized in 1900 for the first time as British, being taken by Mr. Beaumont at Oxshott. Nothochrysa capitata, Fabr., is found singly at Leith Hill, Esher, Ockham Common and other fir districts. Of the third division or Panorpina Panorpa communis, Linn., and P. germanica, Linn., are common throughout the county ; but P. cognata, Ramb., common on the downs at Folkestone, has not yet been recorded from Surrey. Boreus hyemalis, Linn., occurred in 1867 at Shirley near Croydon (Douglas and Scott). The Trichoptera, the fifth and last of the somewhat ill-assorted groups at present included in our list under the general name Neuroptera, are well represented in Surrey. Few counties indeed are better adapted to this water-loving group. Strong running streams and sluggish brooks, canals and large ponds, woodlands and moor, marsh and bog all con- tribute their quota of species peculiar to the varying nature of the localities. The Phryganeidce and many of the Limnophilidfe frequent the more sluggish and even stagnant waters, and may be beaten from bushes about the edge of a pond, or swept from reeds or coarse herbage round its margin, or disturbed from the overhanging banks of a moorland drain. Some wander far from the place of their birth, and may be beaten out in woods, especially fir woods, or even taken at ' light ' in towns or at the lepidopterist's ' sugar.' Most of the long-horned Leptoceridce love moving rather than stagnant waters, and may be disturbed from the overhanging trees and bushes or from reeds, or frequently may be seen in the daytime in countless myriads performing their mazy dances over the water, their i 81 G