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INSECTS Haslemere, Reigate, Worcester Park and Croydon. Heliophobus popu- /aris, Fb., occurs commonly at ' light ' at Haslemere, Dorking, Reigate, Leatherhead, Surbiton, Worcester Park and many other places. Gharceas graminis, L., is common in many places in the Reigate district, on Wimbledon Common and about Kingston and Richmond Park. The rare Pachetra leucophaea^ View, used to be taken on the Mickleham 1 Downs and probably still occurs there. Cerigo cytherea, Fb., is generally distributed and so is Luperina testacea, Hb., but L. cespitis, Fb., is very local. I have taken it on Tolworth Common, Surbiton. Mr. Kaye reports it from Worcester Park. Mr. Briggs records it from Leather- head and Major Ficklin from Wimbledon and Richmond Park. Mamestra anceps, Hb. ; M. brassicce, L., and M. persicarice, L., all occur in the Reigate district, and are generally abundant everywhere. Apamea basilinea, Fb. ; A, gemina, Hb. ; A. unanimis, Fr. ; A. jibrosa, Hb., and A. ocu/ea, Gn., are generally distributed and usually abundant at ' sugar ' or

  • light.' A. ophiogramma, Esp., is much more local than its congeners, but

it is not uncommon in the London district amongst willows and that handsome grass Phalaris arundinacea, which is so plentiful on the islands and on the banks of the Thames. Miana strigi/is, Clerck ; M. fasciuncula, Haw. ; M. /iferosa, Haw., and M.furuncu/a, Tr., are common everywhere, and M. arcuosa, Haw., has been recorded from many places in the county. Grammesia tritinea, Bork. ; Caradrina morpbeus, Hufn. ; C. blanda, Tr. ; C. a/sines, Brahm ; C. cubicularis, Bork., and Rusina tenebrosa, Bork., are everywhere common. Caradrina ambigua has been taken at Worcester Park. Agrotis puta, Hb. ; A. su/usa, Hb. ; A. sauci'a, Hb. ; A. segetum, Schiff. ; A. exc/amationis, L. ; A. nigricans, L. ; A. tritici, L. ; A, aquilina, Hb. ; A. porphyrea, Hb., and A. ravida, Hb., are all recorded by Mr. Webb from the Reigate and Dorking district, and many of them are common at Leatherhead, Oxshott, Surbiton, Kings- ton, Wimbledon, Richmond and elsewhere in the metropolitan district. Mr. Webb also reports the local A. cinerea, Hb., from Box Hill and Reigate Hill, but the species is much commoner on the downs about Brighton and Lewes than in Surrey. A. agathina^ Dap., occurs com- monly, especially in the larval state, about Shirley, Oxshott Heath and in other similar localities in the county. Tryphcena iantbina, Esp. ; T. fimbria^ L. ; T. interjecta, Hb. ; T. orbona, Fb., and T. pronuba, L., are all reported by Mr. Barrett from Haslemere, by Mr. Webb from the Reigate district and by Major Ficklin from the neighbourhood of Kingston and Richmond. T. iantbina, C T. orbona and T. pronuba are common everywhere. T. jimbria also occurs at Ashtead and Wimbledon, but is generally much more local than its congeners, and T. interjecta is not of universal distribution. Noctua g/areosa, Esp. ; N. augur, Fb. ; N. p/ecta, L. ; N. c-nigrum, L. ; N. triangu/um, Hufn. ; N. brunnea, Fb. ; N. festiva, Hb. ; N. rubi, View ; N. umbrosa, Hb. ; N. baja, Fb. ; N. neg/ecta, Hb., and N. xanthographa^ Fb., are all recorded by Mr. Webb 1 Mr. Barrett informs me that Mr. Adkin found P. leucofhoea on Box Hill a few years ago. H. G. I 129 K