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INSECTS SALDID^E (continued} Salda cocksii, Curt. Reigate(Power),Woting, Chobham (Saunders), Leith Hill (But- ler), Wimbledon (Newbery) Ceratocombus, Sign. coleoptratus, Zett. Chobham (Saunders), Weybridge (Power), Claremont (Bil- lups), Esher (Power), Holmbury, Ew- hurst, Leith Hill (Butler) Cimex, Linn. lectularius, Linn. Generally distributed hirundinis, Jen. Chobham (Saunders) Lyctocoris campestris, Fall. Generally distributed Piezostethus, Fieb. galactinus, Fieb. Reigate, Waking (Saunders), Ewhurst, Albury (Butler) cursitans, Fall. Reigate (Saunders), Headley Lane, Chobham, Weybridge (Billups), Gomshall (Butler) Temnostethus, Fieb. pusillus, H.S. Generally distributed Anthocoris, Fall. gallarum ulmi, De G. Gomshall, Chob- ham, Surbiton (Saunders), Mickleham, Caterham (Champion) confusus, Reut. Generally nemoralis, Fab./ distributed sarothamni, D. & S. Weybridge (Doug- las and Scott), Waking, Chobham (Saunders), Shirley (Billups) sylvestris, Linn. Tetraphleps, Fieb. vittata, Fieb. Acompocoris, Reut. pygmseus, Fall. alpinus, Reut. Esher (Champion) Triphleps, Fieb. nigra, Wolf. ~ .-, Generally maiuscula, Keut. > ,. ' ., , T '. distributed minuta, Linn. J Brachysteles, M. & R. fasciiventris, Garb. Horsell, Chobham (Saunders)

  • Xylocoridea, Reut. [(Morley)

brevipennis, Reut. Richmond Park Xylocoris, Duf. ater, Duf. Reigate, Chobham (Saunders), Caterham, Richmond (Champion) Microphysa, Westw. pselaphiformis, Curt. Croydon, Box /////(Douglas and Scott), CoombeWood, Waking, Reigate (Saunders), Ewhurst, Shiere (Butler) elegantula, Baer. Reigate, Waking, Chobham (Saunders), Ewhurst (Butler) Myrmedobia, Bser. tenella, Zett. Waking (Saunders), Esher (Champion), Gomshall (Butler) Generally distributed Wimbledon, Wo- Generally distributed CIMICIDJE (continued)

  • Myrmedobia distinguenda, Reut. Busbridge

(Saunders), Esher (Champion) CAPSID.* Pithanus, Fieb. maerkeli, H.S. Generally distributed Acetropis, Fieb. gimmerthalii, Flor. king (Saunders) Miris, Fab. calcaratus, Fall. laevigatus, Linn. holsatus, Fab. Megalocersea, Fieb. erratica, Linn. longicornis, Fall. Clandon (Saunders), Shalford, Box Hill, Shiere, Mickleham, Gomshall (Butler) ruficornis, Fourc. Generally distri- buted Teratocoris, Fieb. antennatus, Boh. Leptopterna, Fieb. ferrugata, Fall. dolobrata, Linn. Monalocoris, Dahlb. filicis, Linn. Bryocoris, Fall. pteridis, Fall. Pantilius, Curt. tunicatus, Fab. (Saunders), . ham (Billups), (Butler), Shiere (Newbery) Lopus, Halm. gothicus, Linn. Reigate, Waking (Saunders), Coambe (Power), Merrow Downs (Butler), Shiere (Newbery) Phytocoris, Fall. populi, Linn. tiliae, Fab. longipennis, Flor. dimidiatus, Kb. reuteri, Saund. Reigate, Wimbledon, Chobham, Surbiton (Saunders), Mickle- ham (Champion), Shiere, Gomshall, Holmbury (Butler) varipes, Boh. ulmi, Linn. Calocoris, Fieb. striatellus, Fab. . sexguttatus, Fab. Headley Lane (Billups), Redhill (Linnell), Caterham (Cham- pion) fulvomaculatus, De G. Reigate (Saun- ders), Leather head (Billups), Cater- ham (Champion), Shalford, Ewhurst (Butler), Wimbledon (Newbery) bipunctatus, Fab. Generally chenopodii, Fall. J distributed Reigate (Saunders) Generally distributed Reigate, Wimbledon St. Martha's Hill Generally distributed Generally distributed 165