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POLITICAL HISTORY The Marquis of Northampton, William Parr, was lieutenant in 1551-2' and in 1553.' At the beginning of Queen Mary's reign, during Wyatt's insurrec- tion, Lord William Howard was exercising the functions of lord lieutenant in Surrey and Sussex, in command of the local forces, but under a special commission and not by that title. In 1557, on May 3 and 4, Lord Montague wrote to Mr. More of Loseley, and sent a warrant, addressed to him and to others, for the arraying of soldiers within his lordship's ' rules and offices.' He was exercising the functions of a lord lieutenant though no record of his appointment seems to be known. 3 The Earl of Arundel was lord lieutenant in the last year of Queen Mary, from March, 1558/10 the queen's death in November. He was reappointed by Elizabeth from November, 1558, to April, 1559. Lord Howard of Effingham, Lord William Howard as he had been, was appointed from May i, 1559, till his death in January, 1573. His son Charles, subsequently Earl of Nottingham, succeeded him immediately in 1573. He was reappointed in January, 1585, but probably had been continually in office from year to year. His latter appointment was for Surrey, Sussex and the city of Chichester. The history of every county under the Tudors is largely concerned with the progress of ecclesiastical changes and with the disturbances arising from them. The dissolution of the religious houses affected the county seriously, as it affected the rest of England, including as it ulti- mately did the suppression of charitable as well as of religious founda- tions and also that of certain chapels. The social effects of the substitu- tion of lay owners, anxious to make the most of their newly acquired property before some counter revolution should deprive them of it again, in the place of ecclesiastical corporations, probably slow to move and averse to new adventures in farming, were likely enough more provoca- tive of immediate discontent than really injurious in the long run to the prosperity of the tenants. The leading men who administered the affairs of the county naturally had their share of the spoils. Sir Anthony Browne, father to the first Lord Montague, received the sites of Newark Priory and of St. Mary Overie, where his son built Montague House, and some of the Chertsey estates. William Fitz William, Earl of Southampton, got Waverley, and left it also to Sir Anthony, who was his half-brother. Lord William Howard had the site of Reigate Priory and some of the Chertsey lands. Sir Thomas Cawarden had the college at Lingfield, Sir Christopher More got half the manor of Westbury and the advowson of Compton, which had belonged to a monastery in Sussex. The succes- sive recipients of Sheen, the Dukes of Somerset and of Suffolk, being both attainted, the monastery came back to the Crown. Hence its 1 Warrant Book. * Loseley MSS. July n, 1553, i. 3. Ibid. May 3-4, 1557, x. I.

  • He wrote to the Surrey justices announcing his appointment on March 25, 1558. See Loseley

MSS. date cited, xii. 19. 371